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"You are going to be very smart, Eileen," Lady O'Gara said. "This looks like gaieties at Inver." "There may be some," answered Eileen, colouring slightly. "There are some soldiers under canvas at Inver Hill." Lady O'Gara referred to Eileen's preparations a little later in talking with her husband. Sir Shawn had got a bee in his bonnet about Terry and Eileen.

The day before the Fair, they took the scrubbing-pail and the broom, and some water, and scrubbed her until she was all pink and clean. Then they put her in a clean place for the night, and went to bed early so they would be ready to get up in the morning. When the first cock crowed, before daylight the next morning, Eileen's eyes popped wide open in the dark. The cock crowed again.

The rows of books that had gone with the Hall like the family portraits stretched silently away, but amid the smell of leather and learning, Eileen's lively nostrils detected the whiff of the weed, and sure enough on the top of a stepladder reposed a plain briar pipe beside an unclosed Greek folio. "The scent is hot," she thought, touching the still warm bowl.

"Yes, Daddy, I'll do that." Maud smiled from her pillows. "My little policeman!" she said. "I believe she'd keep her daddy out too if she thought it advisable," laughed Jake. Eileen's fingers tightened about his, but she did not contradict him. Only the violet eyes so like her mother's looked up at him very pleadingly, and he stooped in a moment and kissed her. "All right. Daddy understands."

We had wandered in laughingly jesting about what we should order, and ran into Eileen in the company of her aunt and uncle and a very flashy and loudly dressed young man, evidently a new suitor of Eileen's. I don't think Eileen wanted to introduce us, and yet she acted like a person ravenous for news of her home and friends.

John did not feel very well acquainted with the girl who had dominated the recent dinner party, but he did see that she was attractive, that both Peter Morrison and Henry Anderson had been greatly amused and very much entertained by her. He had found her so interesting himself that he had paid slight attention to Eileen's pouting.

Eileen's girlish intuition helped his lame sentences over the stiles. Briefly, she was to polish the quondam mill-hand, whom he had married when he, too, was a factory operative, but who had not been able to rise with him. He was an alderman and a J.P. That made things difficult enough. But how if he became Mayor?

"Will you play, Miss Erroll?" inquired Selwyn. Miss Erroll would play. "Why do you always call her 'Miss Erroll'?" asked Billy. "Why don't you say 'Eileen'?" Selwyn laughed. "I don't know, Billy; ask her; perhaps she knows." Eileen laughed, too, delicately embarrassed and aware of his teasing smile. But Drina, always impressed by formality, said: "Uncle Philip isn't Eileen's uncle.

You know there was blood in my eye when you left, and I didn't wait long to start action. I have managed to put the fear of God into Eileen's heart so that she has agreed to a reasonable allowance for me from the first of next month; but she must have felt at least one small wave of contrition when I told her about a peculiarly enticing dress I had seen at The Mode.

Winifred carried a coral satin work-bag embroidered with carnations and was crocheting a silk necktie peculiarly suited to fierce onslaught on the enemy. "Oh!" she gasped, clutching in secret at Eileen's sleeve when Donal entered the room. "There he is! Jack said he would make him come! Just look at him!" "Gracious!" ejaculated Eileen. "I daren't look! It's not safe!"