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'The Romany Sap! cried Sinfi, and she the fearless woman before whom the stoutest Gypsy men had quailed sobbed wildly in terror. She soon recovered herself, and said: 'What a fool you must think me, Hal! It wur all through talkin' about the Romany Sap. At fust I thought it wur the Romany Sap itself, an' it wur only a poor little effet arter all.

M. Wolfe, en effet, s'il entend son metier, n'a qu'a essuyer le premier feu, venir ensuite a grands pas sur mon armee, faire a bout portant sa decharge; mes Canadiens, sans discipline, sourds a la voix du tambour et des instrumens militaires, deranges pa cette escarre, ne sauront plus reprendre leurs rangs.

Farther on several large blocks of granite are piled together in so strange and curious a manner, that it must have been the work of Nature alone: one of them has these beautiful lines carved on it: The French writers, speaking of this interesting place, observe: "Comment soupçonner en effet qu'au milieu de cette terrible Vendée, qu'au centre de cet impénétrable et sombre Bocage, il existe un pays délicieux et fertile, couvert de mines séculaires qui rappelent tous les souvenirs historiques de notre ancienne France, comme le caractère de ses habitans en rappele les moeurs, le courage, et la loyauté".

"Ha! le combat commence en effet!" "Is it the Arabs who now fire?" demanded Eve, unable, in spite of terror, to repress her interest. "Non, c'est cet admirable jeune homme, Monsieur Blunt, qui devance tous les autres!" "And now, mademoiselle, that must surely be the barbarians?" "Du tout. Les sauvages fuient. C'est encore du ba teau de Monsieur Blunt qu'on tire.

J'aurais ete, en effet, fort heureux de pouvoir causer avec vous de toutes les graves questions qui se posent aujourd'hui devant nous, tant a l'interieur qu'a l'exterieur.

"I did not bid you here," Alison said. "Lache," says Mr. O'Connor with a shrug. "En effet," says McBean and sat down. "Observe, Waverton: I have given you the chance to take a clean death. You have not the courage for it. Tant mieux. You may now hang." Mr. Waverton again made a move for the door, but Mr. O'Connor stood solidly in the way. "Attention, Waverton.

Sometimes it is the gardener that brings word of him. "A' dug the spade a fut deep and turned he up, the poisonous effet, a' soon stamped on he!" Sometimes it is the housemaid. "Please m'm there's lizards in the cellar, I dursn't go near." Sometimes a halfpenny head-line. "Can Life be Indefinitely Prolonged? Startling Discovery in a Lump of Coal."