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Oh, do have them in, George," exclaimed Miss Holmes; while Miss Manners and the others, who were getting a little tired of promiscuous conversation, echoed her request. "By all means," he answered, "though we have enough mice here without their bringing any more. Savage, go and tell your two friends that Mr.

A couple o' shells from our little popper up topside will settle her hash all right. Another order echoed from aft. Strang's voice had a curious hollow sound, like a shout in a tunnel. Ken felt the vessel rising beneath him. Men sprang up the steel ladder leading to the conning tower.

As it rolled past the women and girls at the spring, they raised cries of joy which were answered by the men on the top of the mountain; and the shouts were echoed by the inhabitants of neighbouring villages who watched the spectacle from their hills on the opposite bank of the Moselle.

"I heard from the milkman this morning," said Matilda, "that Marshs' company has gone." "Gone!" repeated Grandmother. "What for? I thought she had come to stay a spell." "Gone!" echoed Rosemary, in astonishment. "Did she go sudden?" queried Grandmother. "Well, in a way it was sudden, and in a way 'twasn't.

When he could speak again, he answered, "Lockjaw; no. This was all your fault, Jane. You read till the poor man was so sleepy that he fairly yawned his jaw out of joint." And this time the doctor's shout was echoed by his wife and the two children.

Why why why had she chosen that drawer to guard her secret? Yet how could she have foreseen this? A mist swam before her eyes. Her new-found composure tottered. "I have lost it," she murmured. "Lost it!" he echoed. "I mean I mean " She was stammering now in open confusion "I must have laid it down somewhere. I I shall find it again, no doubt." He turned fully round and looked at her.

It was one of the cleverest fighting tricks of the service, and he made the movement as the guns of the others leaped before their faces. Two shots sang over his head, so close that they would have swept him from the saddle if he had been erect. In another moment the rockbound chasm echoed with the steady roar of the three revolvers.

Bunny and Sue looked in all the places they could think of. But they did not see a hen sitting in her hidden nest, nor did they find the white eggs she might have laid. "I guess the nest isn't here," said Bunny after a while. "No, I guess not, too," echoed Sue. "Let's slide down the hay." The hay in the mow was quite high in one place, and low in another, like a little hill.

Steelman got the weather question satisfactorily settled; then he said: "You seem to be getting on with the railway." "Oh yes, we are about over the worst of it." "The worst of it?" echoed Steelman, with mild surprise: "I should have thought you were just coming into it," and he pointed to the ridge ahead. "Oh, our section doesn't go any further than that pole you see sticking up yonder.

'He's married, he's married! said a boy hard by who watched the scene with interest. 'He's married, he's married! said a hilarious group of other boys near, with smiles several inches broad, and shining teeth; and so the exclamation echoed down the street. Jim cursed his ill-luck; the loss of time that this dilemma entailed grew serious; for Mrs.