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"Did he do or say anything while you were with him that would throw any light on the subsequent tragic events of the night, for which he is now under suspicion?" Colwyn related what had happened at breakfast and afterwards. Mr. Cromering listened attentively, and turning to Sir Henry Durwood asked him if he had seen Ronald before the previous day.

He was quick to comprehend the double-barrelled motive which underlay the superintendent's question, and he had no intention of letting the police officer pump him for his own ends. "Sir Henry Durwood would be better able to answer that question than I," he said.

The matter was not put to the test perhaps fortunately for at that moment there was a sharp tap at the door, which opened to admit a chambermaid who seemed the last word in frills and smartness. "If you please, Sir Henry," said the girl, with a sidelong glance at the tall handsome young man by the mantelpiece, "Lady Durwood would be obliged if you would go to her room at once."

"From Edison, like the others so far. Jack Kooley," Jake answered Doc's question. "Durwood spent a lot of time here on his first expedition, so it's getting the worst of it." Doc pulled the aspirator mask back over the man's face and they carried him out and laid him on a low dune. They couldn't risk returning the corpse to its people.

This is the nearest police station to the spot, it seems." "But is he quite certain that the man who is supposed to have committed the murder is the young man who fainted yesterday morning?" asked Sir Henry Durwood, who had joined the group. "Has he been positively identified?" "The fisherman tells me that there's no doubt it's him the description's identical.

"Therefore, we may assume, in the case before us," Sir Henry Durwood waved a fat white hand in the direction of the corpse as though he were delivering an anatomical lecture before a class of medical students "that the victim was killed with a flat, round knife with a round edge, held sideways.

I shall suggest that they return here with me afterwards, and stay for the night at the hotel, instead of returning to London immediately. The night's rest will serve to recuperate their systems after the worry and excitement." "No doubt," said Colwyn, who began to see how Sir Henry Durwood had built up such a flourishing practice as a ladies' specialist.

The disease might have an incubation period of nearly fifteen years, judging by the length of time it had taken to hit Durwood. It must spread from person to person during an early contagious stage, leaving widening circles behind Durwood and those first infected. When matured, any other sickness would set it off, with few symptoms of its own.

This was only the primary circle of infection, direct from Durwood. The second circle could be ten times as large, as the infection spread from one to a few to many. So far it was localized. But it wouldn't stay that way. Doc climbed slowly out of the tractor, lugging his small supplies of equipment, while Jake made arrangements for them to spend the night in a deserted house.

You must have had no end of a bother in dragging me upstairs very good of you to take the trouble." He smiled faintly, and produced a cigarette case. "How do you feel now?" asked Sir Henry Durwood solemnly, disregarding the proffered case. "A bit as though I'd been kicked on the top of the head by a horse, but it'll soon pass off.