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"I thought you was drownded," said the trembling seaman, still regarding him suspiciously. "I thought you was a ghost." "Feel that," said Flower, and gave him a blow in the ribs which almost made him regret that his first impression was not the correct one. "I'm satisfied, sir," he said, hastily.

Well, he was prayin'; that's the fact about it, I s'pose; and ye know I felt jest as safe when that man was round! I don't believe I could a' been drownded when he was in the woods any more'n if I'd a' been a mink. An' Paul Benedict is in the poor-house! I vow I don't 'zactly see why the Lord let that man go up the spout; but perhaps it'll all come out right. Where's your ma, boy?"

"Sure, Mr Burton, old Mother Macrone of Ballynahinch was after prophesying you would become an admiral one of these days, and sure if we was drownded, we should not live to see it, nor you neither for that matter; and so sure as Mistress Macrone is an honest woman, and spoke the truth, we need not be after throubling ourselves about not getting to land.

"All you've got to do is to jump in and I'll follow and save you same as I did the other night." "Go on, Arthur," said Mr. Smith, encouragingly. "It ain't cold." "I tell you he can't swim," repeated Mr. Heard, passionately. "I should be drownded before your eyes." "Rubbish," said Mr. Smith. "Why, I believe you're afraid." "I should be drownded, I tell you," said Mr. Heard.

"Comes alwus where folks hev been drownded," said D'ri. "Thet air's what I've hearn tell." It was, indeed, the accepted theory of the fishermen, albeit many saw in the boogy light a warning to mark the place of forgotten murder, and bore away. The sun came up in a clear sky, and soon, far and wide, its light was tossing in the rippletops. We could see them glowing miles away.

Thunder an' turf! will ye see the poor lad drownded forenint yer two eyes?" cried the poor Irishman, as he made violent but unavailing struggles to get free.

Don't forget the tip? Lord, how I long to walk into some o' these chaps, and give 'em the beans! and I will yet afore I'm many days older, hang me if I don't. I shall bust, I do expect; and if I do, them that ain't drownded will be scalded, I know. Chah! chah!

"But if anyone happens to see 'em, what then, Cap'n?" "Then," he answered, slowly wagging his head, "the mermaids give 'em a smile an' a wink, an' they dive into the water an' gets drownded." "S'pose they knew how to swim, Cap'n Bill?" "That don't make any diff'rence, Trot. The mermaids live deep down, an' the poor mortals never come up again." The little girl was thoughtful for a moment.

Just as the faithful black was about to repeat the signal, he heard the response; and in a moment the lady alighted, and with dripping garments, limbs chilled to numbness, followed her new guide to a place of concealment, near the village of Taitsville. "You is jes as wet as a drownded rat," said the mulatto woman, who met Clotelle as she entered the negro's cabin.

An' the bwoat an' nets be all sold; though, thanks to God, they fetched good money. An' poor Joan tu 'pon the same night as my Tom drownded in the gert land-flood up-long." Gray Michael had been nodding his head and smiling as each item of the mournful category was named. At Thomasin's last words he interrupted angrily, and something of the old, deep tones of his voice echoed again. "'Tis a lie!