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"He means me," added Draymore, offering his hand; "good-bye, Captain Selwyn; I dare say we are up against it hard." "Because we've got to buy in that property or close up the Siowitha," added Mottly, coming over to make his adieux. "By the way, Selwyn, you ought to be one of us in the Siowitha " "Thank you, but isn't this rather an awkward time to suggest it?" said Selwyn good-humouredly.

"By the way, Austin; the Orchil boy the one in Harvard proposed to Eileen the little idiot! She told me thank goodness! she still does tell me things. Also the younger and chubbier Draymore youth has offered himself after a killingly proper interview with me. I thought it might amuse you to hear of it."

Totally unspoiled, Phil! in spite of all the success of her first winter! and do you know that she had no end of men seriously entangled? I don't mind your knowing but Sudbury Gray came to me, and I told him he'd better wait, but in he blundered and he's done for, now; and so are my plans. He's an imbecile! And then, who on earth do you think came waddling into the arena? Percy Draymore!

"I don't," said the girl, laughing and attempting to bring the insurgent curl under discipline. "I dare say you're right; coronets are out of vogue among us now. It's the fashion to marry our own good people. By the way, you are continuing to astonish the town, I hear." "What do you mean, Mrs. Fane?" "Why, first it was Sudbury, then Draymore, and how everybody says that Boots "

"Because, Draymore, I am not very widely experienced in the customs and usages of commercial life, and I do not know whether it is usual for an associate member of a firm to express, unauthorised, his views on matters concerning the firm to any Tom, Dick, and Harry who questions him."

If his note goes to protest, he forfeits that right. Now will you kindly explain to yourself exactly how this matter can be of any interest to you?" "I have explained it," she said wearily. "Will you please go, now?" He sat a moment, then rose: "You make a point of excluding Gerald?" "Yes." "Very well; I'll telephone Draymore.

First there was Percy Draymore, overgroomed for a gentleman, fat, good-humoured, and fashionable one of the famous Draymore family noted solely for their money and their tight grip on it; then came Sanxon Orchil, the famous banker and promoter, small, urbane, dark, with that rich almost oriental coloring which he may have inherited from his Cordova ancestors who found it necessary to dehumanise their names when Rome offered them the choice with immediate eternity as alternative.

"One moment, Draymore," cut in Selwyn; and his voice rang unpleasantly; "if you are simply complaining because you have been outwitted, go ahead; but if you think there has been any really dirty business in this matter, go to Mr. Neergard. Otherwise, being his associate, I shall not only decline to listen but also ask you to leave my apartments."

"And, for that matter," he said, turning to the others, "we might have known that Captain Selwyn could have had no hand in and no knowledge of such an underbred and dirty " Harmon plucked him by the sleeve, but Draymore shook him off, his little piggish eyes sparkling.

Greeve's lodgings to go downtown, Percy Draymore called him up on the telephone; and as that overfed young man's usual rising hour was notoriously nearer noon than eight o'clock, it surprised Selwyn to be asked to remain in his rooms for a little while until Draymore and one or two friends could call on him personally concerning a matter of importance.