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Skimming the brief despatch, here a sentence, there a sentence seared itself into his memory. "Missed his train at Centreport conscientious citizen, valuing his vote hired a naphtha launch collision hampered by clothing leaves a sorrowing widow " "Th' extry 'dition is two cents," reminded the urchin. The executive mansion was strewn with the wreckage of the inaugural reception.

Inside, the passengers gathered about the stove, where the red coals gleamed cheerful in the already gathering dusk of the winter afternoon. Eve-nin' 'dition! Georgy out!" "Georgy out!

Here and there are ragged street Arabs, selling matches and newspapers; and against the verandah post, in the full blaze of the electric light, leans a weary, draggled-looking woman, one arm clasping a baby to her breast, and the other holding a pile of newspapers, while she drones out in a hoarse voice, "'ERALD, third 'dition, one penny!" until the ear wearies of the constant repetition.

If they are not mistaken, this is a circumstance that may materially assist our pro- gress, and at which we can hardly fail to rejoice, for the high temperature often makes our scanty allowance of water quite inadequate to allay our thirst. But with all our hardships I must confess that our con- dition is far preferable to what it was when we were still clinging to the Chancellor.

It was impossible to disobey. He stood there and saw her turn the corner, buffeted by the wind, and disappear. Then he became conscious of a newsboy's shrieking: "Last 'dition All 'bout the Burton trad-egy!" Part III It was a June day with the sparkle and lilt of summer's brightest and tunefulest mood in the sky and a softness and warmth in the air.

"No," answered Mr Ferris. "Den I tell you I Cudjoe. Some inside de house know me, and know dat I no fool. Listen den. We go away and leave Massa Twigg he good man and all de people alone on one 'dition, dat you gib up the oberseer and let us hab him to do wid him as we like. Dat is our 'dition; 'cept it and you safe.

I 'd never dare to take that negro to my house, and yet I 'm obliged to treat him like a gentleman." Jack's eyes had worn a somewhat reflective look since he had gone to make the inquiry. Suddenly his face brightened with intelligence, and then, as a newsboy ran into the station calling his wares, hardened into determination. "Clarion, special extry 'dition!

"W'y," growled the red-faced innkeeper, bringing his big fist down with a bang, "it's a-comin' to per dition; that's wot it's a-comin' to!" "And wot," inquired a rather long, bony man with a face half-hidden in sandy whisker, "wot might per dition be, Joel; likewise, wheer?" "You must be a danged fule, Tom, my lad!" retorted he whom they called Joel, redder in the face than ever.

The old house was brilliantly alight in its lower rooms; lit, he dared hope, in honor of his triumph and his anticipated return. He turned and left his office with elastic step. Fumbling with the lock in the dim light of the hall, he was spied from below by a newsboy who came bounding up the stairs. "Extry! Extry 'dition of th' Whig, Mr. Shelby," he called.