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I moved a little to the right, hoping to see her face, without her seeing me; but the slight movement caught her ear, and in a second she had sprung aside and turned toward me. The spell was broken. She was no longer the queen of an air-castle, decking herself in all the rainbow hues which pleased her eye.

Women, and many of them professors, try to satisfy this craving by decking themselves with gold and gems and fine array, with the plumage of birds and the skins of beasts. Men try to satisfy it in the pool-room, by plunging into the muddy waters of the political sea, or by accumulating money and by the follies of life.

After decking Helwyse for the sacrifice, he had murmured confidentially in his ear, "Hair, sir? or beard, sir? or both? little of both, sir? Just so. Hair first, please, sir. Love-ly morning!" And thereupon began to clip and coo and whisk softly about, in the highest state of barberic joy.

"Only the Church, in decking the temporary altars of the liturgical year, in forcing the seasons to follow step by step the life of Christ, has known how to trace for us a plan of necessary occupations, of useful ends.

And you say you " He went to pieces very suddenly, jumped up, pounded the legs of his chair on the decking, and shouted at me: "And you say that, you you landlubber, you office coddler! You're so comfortably sure that everything in the world is cut and dried. Come back to the water again and learn how to wonder and stop talking like a damn fool.

It came from the companion; the cabin was dark because we were going easy on the oil. They hadn't left a great deal, for some reason or other." McCord leaned back and described with his finger where the illumination had cut the decking. "There! I could see it from my bunk, as I lay, you understand.

Let also shafts, and darts and heavy maces, and my conch, variegated with gold, be got ready. Bring also my variegated, beautiful, and excellent standard, made of gold, possessed of the effulgence of the lotus, and bearing the device of the elephant's girth, cleaning it with a delicate cloth, and decking it with excellent garlands and a network of wires.

The moon had risen and run its course, decking the old garden with a solemn beauty as of death, and was beginning to retreat before the dawn, when Julia slept at last. When she awoke it was broad daylight. A moment she gazed upwards, wondering where she was; the next a harsh grating sound, and the echo of a mocking laugh brought her to her feet in a panic of remembrance.

On the banks of the stream they came to a magnificent grove of bamboos of all sizes, some being as thick as a man's leg. "Here we have the means of building a house ready to our hands," said the doctor. "Perhaps they will assist also in decking over the boat." "But I doubt if they would keep out the water," observed Walter.

And they in turn fear him for his ruthlessness and recklessness. He joins with them at their camp-fires ... rides with them on the road ... robs his store or house, or cracks his safe, then flies on, taking the blinds or decking on top of a "flyer." The law, missing the right quarry, descends on the slower-moving, harmless bum.