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So home with my wife and Deb., and there at the office met to my trouble with a warrant from the Commissioners of Accounts for my attending them and Cocke two days hence, which I apprehend by Captain Cocke's being to go also, to be about the prizes. But, however, there is nothing of crime can be laid to my charge, and the worst that can be is to refund my L500 profit, and who can help it.

It was that view, indeed, which had decided Deb to take the house. There was, of course, a towny foreground to it; and this it was, rather than the distant blue ranges, that held the gaze of Rose Pennycuick when she looked forth the back-yard of the villa next to their own.

Here met W. Batelier and Mrs. Hunt, Deb.'s aunt; and saw her home a very witty woman, and one that knows this play, and understands a play mighty well. Left her at home in Jewen Street, and we home, and to supper, and my wife to read to me, and so to bed. 20th.

"You have to snub them," said Frances, "if they don't know manners themselves." "A very GENTLE snub," said Deb. "We are not going to be rude to the poor things. We will call once that is, I will in a few months' time. After all, it was hardly their fault." "No; it is Rose's fault. Please, Rose, in future be so good as to consider your family a little, as well as your neighbours' dogs."

His white teeth flashed between his parted lips, and there was a dull, hard glare in his eyes which told that though struck dumb with astonishment and impotent rage, he was still fearless, still unsubdued. Deb. Smith, behind him, leaned against the wall, pale and panting. "A good night's work!" remarked Chaffey, the constable, as he possessed himself of the musket, pistol-belt, and hunting-knife.

You will tell me when I can do nothing for you here. You must remember, Fair, that Dick and Nancy and Unity and I and even little Deb want you, very heartily and lovingly want you, with us there. Unity " The young man took from his breast a folded note. "I have this from Unity. Read it. It is like her." He unfolded it and gave it to the Major, who read the line it contained.

Den don' th'ow no oak leaves on dis niggah, for dey don' grow dyar. Gawd A'moughty, lis'en to de river roarin'! I's hidin' by de river I's hidin' by de river! I's hidin' by de river Jordan!" Deb swayed to and fro, beating her hands in her excitement. "I see a boat a great big boat! It's as big as the Ark! The finders are in it, and the dogs and the guns! Let us pray!

"I expect so," she assented, smiling. "So young a girl" subtle flattery this, now that Deb was in her late thirties "to be suddenly called to a position of such immense danger and responsibility! But" cheeringly "I said when I heard of it that Mr Thornycroft had justified my high opinion of his judgment and character. It is not often that great wealth comes into hands so worthy of it."

Mr Dalzell did not ask Jim how his sisters were, and how his brothers were getting on did not remember that he had any. And when Deb came back, to be gently but firmly ordered out of that dirty place by her new lord and master, the latter failed to take, although he did not fail to perceive, the hint of her eyes that Jim should be asked to dinner.

He pressed her to allow him to escort her, which was obviously the proper thing. When she refused again, and went off, like any nobody, alone, he returned to his chambers, leaving Rosalie to the unimportant persons whose business it was to look after her. Mrs Breen's house was in East Melbourne, and Deb directed the coachman to drive there first.