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"'Tis a very wise saying of Terence," said he, "omnibus nobis ut res dant sese; ita magni aut humiles sumus. When the King's commissioners hear of the King's navy from Spain, they are in such jollity that they talk loud. . . . In the mean time as the wife of Bath sath in Chaucer by her husband, we owe them not a word.

"'Tis a very wise saying of Terence," said he, "omnibus nobis ut res dant sese; ita magni aut humiles sumus. When the King's commissioners hear of the King's navy from Spain, they are in such jollity that they talk loud. . . . In the mean time as the wife of Bath sath in Chaucer by her husband, we owe them not a word.

I felt safer there. At last I ventured to tell him that I must go home. Of course, he objected to that too, but he gave way a second time. "I will just speak to Mrs. Dant," I said. "You stay here for three minutes. By that time I shall be ready." And I went off towards the flat, but as soon as I was out of his sight I turned and ran here. And that's all.

After she had gone I found poor old Mrs. Dant drugged in the kitchen. On the next morning Camilla and I were married at a registry office. She objected to the registry-office at first, but in the end she agreed, on the condition that I got her a spray of orange-blossom to wear at her breast.

"Variam semper dant otia mentem," that, quite contrary, it is like a horse that has broke from his rider, who voluntarily runs into a much more violent career than any horseman would put him to, and creates me so many chimaeras and fantastic monsters, one upon another, without order or design, that, the better at leisure to contemplate their strangeness and absurdity, I have begun to commit them to writing, hoping in time to make it ashamed of itself.

Pangloss, and certain lines were running in my mind all the time I was in King's College Hall. They were Pueris olim dant crustula blandi Doctores, elementa velint ut discere prima. First we had a bit of German in the shape of an extract from Kotzebue's "Die Schlaue Wittwe," or "Temperaments." I wish I had my programme, I would compliment by name the lad who played the charming young Frau.

The coffee and pipe are always presented to visitors in Turkey, Arabia, and Persia, and they are considered as indispensable in good manners. "dant kholne" is fully explained in my Grammar, page 129. It appears to have sadly puzzled a learned critic, to whom I have occasionally alluded. Literally, "middle brother;" as there were three in number, of course the "second" and "middle" are identical.

And then I wanted to be alone with her, to enjoy the intimacy of her presence, without a lot of servants all over the place; so I went out of the drawing-room and packed off the whole tribe for the evening, all except Mrs. Dant. I kept Mrs. Dant to attend on Camilla. We had dinner sent up; it was like a picnic, jolly and childish. Camilla was charming.

"Hæc ante exitium primis dant signa diebus." Virgil. "Now my belief is and this is a matter upon which I should like to have your opinion, but my own belief is not that the good body improves the soul, but that the good soul improves the body. What do you say?"

He patted Louetta's hand, to indicate that he hadn't meant anything improper by squeezing it, and demanded of Frink, "Say, see if you can get old Dant' to spiel us some of his poetry. Talk up to him. Tell him, 'Buena giorna, senor, com sa va, wie geht's? Keskersaykersa a little pome, senor?"