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Updated: January 29, 2025
"Obest plerumque iis, qui discere volunt, auctoritas eorum, qui docent." It is good to make him, like a young horse, trot before him, that he may judge of his going, and how much he is to abate of his own speed, to accommodate himself to the vigour and capacity of the other.
"Now I had Virgil at my fingers' ends, so I answered him: 'Flectere si nequeo superos, Aeheronta movebo, "'Very good, said he, 'you have the genius, and will come to somethin' yet: now tell me the most moral line in Virgil. "I answered: 'Discere justitiam moniti et non temnere divos. * * He is evidently drawing the long-bow here; this anecdote has been told before.
In the time of Himilco, therefore, five hundred years before Christ, Ireland was called the Holy Isle, a title she had received long before: Sic insulam discere prisci.
The preparation needed is not to have learned facts three or five or ten years in advance, when theories and appliances may have been very different, but to have taken up one subject after another, finding how to master principles and details. This new subject is not recondite nor are we unconquerably stupid. To learn as we go discere ambulando need not turn the home into an experiment station.
G. 30: praeponere, etc. note. Here supply from retulit in the preceding number the idea: he made it his business or aim to know, etc. The author's fondness for antithesis is very observable in the several successive pairs here: noscere nosci; discere sequi; appetere recusare; anxius intentus. In jactationem. Al. jactatione.
Pangloss, and certain lines were running in my mind all the time I was in King's College Hall. They were Pueris olim dant crustula blandi Doctores, elementa velint ut discere prima. First we had a bit of German in the shape of an extract from Kotzebue's "Die Schlaue Wittwe," or "Temperaments." I wish I had my programme, I would compliment by name the lad who played the charming young Frau.
Nec Agricola licenter more juvenum, qui militiam in lasciviam vertunt, neque segniter ad voluptates et commeatus titulum tribunatus et inscitiam retulit: sed noscere provinciam, nosci exercitui, discere a peritis, sequi optimos, nihil appetere jactatione, nihil ob formidinem recusare, simulque et anxius et intentus agere.
Cogitare enim, et providere, et discere, et docere. . . . in horum quatuor generum nullo inesse putat; quintum genus adhibet vacans nomine. SECT. XLIV. Matter Cannot Think. But let us suppose whatever you please, for I will not enter the lists with any sect of philosophers: here is an alternative which no philosopher can avoid.
They crossed the fatal river; they were whole days in crossing; those set to count them gave it up in despair; Ammianus says: 'He who wishes to know their number, 'Libyci velit aequoris idem Discere quam multae Zephyro volvuntur arenae. And when they were across, they gave up the children. They had not the heart to give up the beloved weapons.
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