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Updated: January 7, 2025
They crossed the fatal river; they were whole days in crossing; those set to count them gave it up in despair; Ammianus says: 'He who wishes to know their number, 'Libyci velit aequoris idem Discere quam multae Zephyro volvuntur arenae. And when they were across, they gave up the children. They had not the heart to give up the beloved weapons.
Forewarned he was alive to his danger, and knew, by signs not doubtful, where he was, when he approached its scene: "Et gemitum ingentem pelagi, pulsataque saxa, Audimus longe, fractasque ad litora voces; Exsultantque vada, atque aestu miscentur arenae. ... Nimirum haec ilia Charybdis!"
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