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A certain chasseur d'Afrique in this army at Algiers puzzled her. He treated her with a grave courtesy, that made her wish, with impatient scorn for the wish, that she knew how to read, and had not her hair cut short like a boy's a weakness the little vivandière had never been visited with before. "You are too fine for us, mon brave," she said pettishly once to this chasseur.

Address of the Anti-Slavery Society. Mr. D. Hay, British Consul. Institut d'Afrique. Conveyance of Eunuchs in vessels under the French Flag. Franco-Moorish Politics. Corn Monopolies in Morocco. Love and veneration for the English name. Celebration of the Ayd-Kebir, great festival. Value of Money in Morocco. Juvenile Strolling Singer. General account of the city of Tangier.

The tourist started, turned, and looked aghast at the man who had reproved him; it was a Chasseur d'Afrique, who, having spoken, was already some way onward, moving through the press and tumult of the camp to his own regiment's portion of it.

Upon this was a quaint conglomeration: omnibuses, hackney coaches, corricolos, the army service waggons, huge hay-carts drawn by bullocks, squads of Chasseurs d'Afrique, droves of microscopic asses, trucks of Alsatian emigrants, spahis in scarlet cloaks all filed by in a whirlwind cloud of dust, amidst shouts, songs, and trumpetcalls, between two rows of vile-looking booths, at the doors of which lanky Mahonnais women might be seen doing their hair, drinking-dens filled with soldiers, and shops of butchers and knackers.

Yet, for many years, he had been passed by unnoticed. He had now not even the cross on his chest, and he had only slowly and with infinite difficulty been promoted so far as he stood now a Corporal in the Chasseurs d'Afrique a step only just accorded him because wounds innumerable and distinctions without number in countless skirmishes had made it impossible to cast him wholly aside any longer.

He never said a word; but he just slipped a pistol in his pocket, went to the stable, kissed Cossack once twice thrice and shot himself through the heart." "Poor fellow!" murmured the Chasseur d'Afrique, in his chestnut beard. Cigarette was watching him with all the keenness of her falcon eyes; "he had gambled away a good deal too," she thought. "It is always the same old story with them."

There was no valid reason why the negroes along the Mississippi would not be just as valuable in the army, as the men of the same race in other parts of the country. Our Government determined to try the experiment, and make the Corps d'Afrique a recognized and important adjunct of our forces in the field.

At last it was about one o'clock he learned that it had been decided they were to be killed off in a somewhat more decent manner. Margueritte's entire division, comprising three regiments of chasseurs d'Afrique, one of chasseurs de France, and one of hussars, had been drawn in and posted in a shallow valley a little to the south of the Calvary of Illy.

"Well, Desdemona, it was like this," said Clay, laughing. "I got that medal and that star for serving in the Nile campaign, under Wolseley. After I left Egypt, I went up the coast to Algiers, where I took service under the French in a most disreputable organization known as the Foreign Legion " "Don't tell me," exclaimed Hope, in delight, "that you have been a Chasseur d'Afrique!

Three were already occupied when Stephen came; one by Victoria, the others by a German bride and groom. At the next table were two French officers of the Chasseurs d'Afrique, the English clergyman Stephen had noticed on deck, and a remarkably handsome Arab, elaborately dressed.