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"Mon sachet de fleurs," says Montaigne, "sert d'abord

"D'abord, Monsieur Linden, I trust," answered La Meronville, with a look of invitation, to which Clarence bowed and smiled his assent, "Milord D , and Monsieur Trevanion, Mademoiselle Caumartin, and Le Prince Pietro del Ordino." "Nothing can be better arranged," said the duke. "But see, they are just going to drop the curtain. Let me call your carriage."

En y entrant je me vis embarrassé, parce que d'abord on trouve une place qui s'ouvre par quatre rues, et que je ne savois laquelle prendre. Dieu me fir encore choisir la bonne, laquelle me conduisit au bazar, sont les marchandises et les marchands. Je m'adressai au premier chrétien que j'y vis, et ce chrétien se trouva heureusement un des espinolis de Gênes, celui-l

"D'abord c'est impossible!" cried he, when he saw the box that was prepared for him to carry to England: but his good nature was unable to resist the entreaties of each to have her offering carried, "which would take up no room." He departed arrived safe in England found out Madame de Fleury, who was in real distress, in obscure lodgings at Richmond.

Le clergyman commença. Sans doute, la saison était fort sèche, car il demanda d'abord au ciel d'envoyer de la pluie. Mais le duc l'interrompit: "Inutile; rien

Entré dans la ville, je ne trouvai d'abord personne qui voulût me loger, parce qu'on me prenoit pour un Turc. Enfin quelqu'un, par aventure, m'enseigna une hôtellerie l'on consentit

"D'abord c'est impossible!" cried he, when he saw the box that was prepared for him to carry to England: but his good-nature was unable to resist the entreaties of each to have her offering carried, "which would take up no room." He departed arrived safe in England found out Mad. de Fleury, who was in real distress, in obscure lodgings at Richmond.

M. de Luc, in his Histoire de la Terre, would make the mountains last for ever, after they have come to a certain slope. He sums up his reasoning upon this subject in these words: «L'adoucissement des pentes arrête d'abord l'effet de ces deux grandes causes causes de destruction de montagnes, la pesanteur et les eaux: la végétation ensuite arrêté l'effet de toutes les petites cause

D'abord je criai et me fâchai beaucoup. Mais il y avoit l

"D'abord, madame, c'est impossible! Madame ne descendra pas ici? " said Francois, the footman of Mad. de Fleury, with a half expostulatory, half indignant look, as he let down the step of her carriage at the entrance of a dirty passage, that led to one of the most miserable-looking houses in Paris. "But what can be the cause of the cries which I hear in this house?" said Mad. de Fleury.