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The ruin is rent almost from top to bottom. No traces whatever now remain of the spiral passage spoken of by the Jewish traveller." Cf. Professor T.K. Cheyne's article, "The Tower of Babel," in the new Biblical Cyclopaedia. Nebuchadnezzar, in his Borsippa inscription, records that the tower, which had never originally been completed, had fallen into decay, and that the kiln-bricks had split.

'Clarel, a Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land' , is a long mystical poem requiring, as some one has said, a dictionary, a cyclopaedia, and a copy of the Bible for its elucidation. In the two privately printed volumes, the arrangement of which occupied Mr. Melville during his last illness, there are several fine lyrics.

The second is Chambers's Cyclopaedia, first published in 1727, a translation of which Diderot was engaged to edit by the publisher Le Breton.

I tell him, whenever I want a lecture on all subjects, I shall come to him. I call him the Walking Cyclopaedia, and only fancy such a personage dancing a quadrille. What lady can have the courage to turn over the leaves of the Cyclopaedia in a quadrille? let me see. Oh, Lady Lucy Melville, our noble hostess's daughter.

There was something so odd about the extent and limitations of his knowledge, that I suspected all at once what might be the meaning of it, and waited till I got an opportunity. Have you seen the "New American Cyclopaedia?" said I. I have, he replied; I received an early copy. How far does it go? He turned red, and answered, To Araguay.

The most useful handbook, alike for teachers and for pupils, is Alexander Johnston's History of American Politics, 2d ed., N.Y., 1882. The United States, N.Y., 1889, by the same author, is also excellent. Every school should possess a copy of Lalor's Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States, 3 vols., Chicago, 1882-84.

Tribune Association. 8vo. pp. 248. $1.00. The New American Cyclopaedia; a Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. Vol. X. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 8vo. pp. 788, viii. $3.00. By A.H. Monteith. Philadelphia. T.B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 374. $1.25. The Kangaroo-Hunters: or Adventures in the Bush. By Anne Bowman. Boston.

In evidence of some connection between the two diseases, I need not go back to the older authors, as Pouteau or Gordon, but will content myself with giving the following references, with their dates; from which it will be seen that the testimony has been constantly coming before the profession for the last few years: "London Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine," article "Puerperal Fever," 1833. Mr.

Cloth, $3; leather, $3.50; hf. mor. $4; hf. Russia, $4.50. Published by subscription. Benton's Abridgment of the Congressional Debates. Sold by Subscription. Cloth, $3; law sheep, $3.50; half morocco, $4. Each volume payable as delivered. Burton's Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. Two large volumes, 8vo. Profusely illustrated with Wood Engravings and twenty-four Portraits on Steel.

For the scholar, this plan, perhaps, has its advantages; but, for the unlearned reader, who turns to his cyclopaedia to find an intelligible account of the habits of some particular creature, without caring greatly what its precise place may be in the zoölogical kingdom, or looks for a name without knowing whether it belongs to a fish or a river, no book that professes to be a manual of reference could well be arranged on a more inconvenient principle.