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The M.P. for this division retired at the end of the Session, and Piers is to stand for the constituency. They talk of having the election in October." "Will he get in?" asked Crowther, still watching her with friendly appreciation in his eyes. "Oh, I don't know. I expect so. He gets most things that he sets his heart on.

Parents do not desert their children, nor are brothers faithless to brothers, but are ever prompt to render whatever aid is possible." The famous negro prelate, Bishop Crowther, and the celebrated traveller, Mr. Stanley, bear similar testimony. There can be no question that the African, in his normal condition, is as capable of affection as the native of any other country.

"An invitation to Ina Rose's wedding on the twenty-third. That's the week after next. They are sorry they can't manage to call before, hope you'll understand and go. I said you should do both." "Thank you, Piers." Avery laid the envelope aside unopened. She did not feel that he was being very cordial to Crowther. "I am not sure that I shall go." "Oh yes, you will," he rejoined quickly. "You must.

He walked in silence while Piers talked intermittently of various impersonal matters, drifting at length into silence himself. In the western wing of the house a light burned at an upper window, and Crowther, still quietly observant, noted how at each turn Piers' eyes went to that light as though drawn by some magnetic force. Gently at length he spoke. "She doesn't look altogether robust, sonny."

Close at hand the trees in a garden stirred mysteriously as though they moved in their sleep. But Piers made neither sound nor movement. He stood like an image of stone. Again the silence began to lengthen intolerably, to stretch out into a desert of emptiness, to become fateful with a bitterness too poignant to be uttered. Crowther said no more. He had had his say.

"Then there's no occasion to hurry," said Piers. "You stay here for a bit, and kill time with me." "I never kill time," said Crowther deliberately. "It's too scarce a commodity." "It is when you're happy," said Piers. Crowther looked at him with a question in his eyes that he did not put into words, and in answer to which Piers laughed a reckless laugh.

Eight were present at the Lambeth Conference. One of them, Bishop Crowther, was captured when a boy ten years of age on a slave ship, placed in a mission school, transferred to a high school, then to the university, graduated with honors, and went back to Africa as a Bishop.

"What's them?" inquired the Cap'n, as though he hoped that he might at least have these tenants on his worthless acres. "Woods names for things that there ain't none of," vouchsafed Mr. Crowther. "You owe me for twenty-two days' work, nine shillin's a day, amountin' to " "Here! Take that and shut up!" barked the Cap'n, shoving bills at him. Then he wagged a stubby finger under Mr. Crowther's nose.

I have never drawn less than thirty, and the year before last we touched seventy-five. At present I am a shareholder in three other halls, and they don't do badly. 'I suppose it isn't only good luck; no doubt I have a sort of talent for money-making, but I never knew it before I met Crowther.

And now Severn, my true, faithful friend, was with me.... Severn, who had given up his career as painter to be near me in my last days ... we were on the Maria Crowther ... we were still off the coast of England, and I had gone ashore for the last touching of my foot on English soil....