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As he spoke Uncle Cradd beamed on father, who was eating with the first show of real pleasure in food since we had had to send Henri back to New York, after the crash, weeping with all his French-cook soul at leaving us after fifteen years' service. "I have always enjoyed that essay of Charles Lamb's on roast pig, Cradd," answered father as he took a second muffin.

And then, as I sat gazing distractedly at my four safe walls, with the receiver still pressed to my head, there came a single groan, followed by the dull and dreadful crash of a human body falling in a heap. In utter panic I rushed back into my bedroom, and flung myself into the crumpled shirt and evening clothes that lay where I had cast them off.

Maynard! Mr. Maynard! they're going to give us a broadside!" Almost before the words were out of his mouth, before Lieutenant Maynard could turn, there came a loud and deafening crash, and then instantly another, and a third, and almost as instantly a crackling and rending of broken wood. There were clean yellow splinters flying everywhere.

'And His mercy is on them that fear Him, from generation to generation, the nuns sang. With a crash, as if a thunderbolt had fallen at their feet in the choir, the Great Unforeseen once more flashed from its hiding-place and hurled itself into their midst.

"Up, Paul!" he cried, grasping his comrade by the shoulder. "The woods are on fire!" Paul was on his feet in an instant, and the two were just in time. Sparks flew in their faces and the flames twisting into pyramids and columns leaped from tree to tree with a sound like thunder as they came. Boughs, burnt through, fell to the ground with a crash. The sparks rose in millions.

The prince consented, though very sorrowfully, saying that she was as cruel to him as Grognon was to her, and mounted with her in his chariot, drawn by four white stags. As they quitted the courtyard, they heard a great noise, and Graciosa saw the palace all falling to pieces with a great crash. "What is this?" she cried, terrified.

How it happened he never could tell, but he brought down his violin with a crash against the piano, then somehow stumbled and all but fell. In the act of recovering himself, he heard the neck of his instrument part from the body with a tearing, discordant cry, like the sound of the ruin of a living world.

He seemed to himself like some peasant who digs with bent head in a field, while armies are marshalling for battle all around him; and who is startled suddenly by the crash of conflict, and the bursting of shells about his head. There came another great convulsion of the stock market. Stewart, the young Lochinvar out of the West, made an attempt to corner copper.

Yes, the officer who had accomplished this daring flanking movement was none other than Santiago Mariano, who, with the flush of success on his handsome face, was again leading his men to the charge. "Viva el Rey!" he cried, and his voice rang high and clear above the din. "Down with the bandits!" Crash! We were into them, fighting our way through desperately. Horses pranced, and bit, and kicked.

Mothers pressed their children to their bosoms; the men were asking each other what was next to happen. The answer came with fearful import. "Breakers ahead! Breakers ahead!" There was a tremendous crash, every timber in the ship shook. She was on the rocks. James Braithwaite, the Supercargo by W.H.G. Kingston "Cut away the masts the shrouds first! Be smart, my men!" cried a voice.