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If you do not hear from me after next Sunday you can put dad's obituary and mine in the local papers and say we died of an overdose of Cossack. If we get through this revolution alive you will hear from me, but this is the last revolution I am going to attend. Yours, Hennery. Dad Sees a Russian Revolution and Faints The Bad Boy Arranges a Wolf Hunt Dad Threatens to Throw the Boy to the Wolves.

"You stick to it like tar!" "You are not kind, you know . . ." said Maxim, looking into his wife's face. And for the first time since his marriage he perceived that he wife was not kind. "I may be unkind," cried Lizaveta, tapping angrily with her spoon, "but I am not going to give away the holy Easter cake to every drunken man in the road." "The Cossack wasn't drunk!" "He was drunk!"

Hetman Ostranitza, young, but firm in mind, led the vast Cossack force. Beside him was seen his old and experienced friend and counsellor, Gunya. Eight leaders led bands of twelve thousand men each. Two osauls and a bunchuzhniy assisted the hetman.

The Cossack, unmindful of things below, was backing steadily toward my head. I could not think of the Russian phrase for the occasion and was in some dilemma how to act. I shouted 'Look out' with such emphasis that the man understood me and halted with his heavy boots about two inches above my face.

'Why not, if father gives me to you? 'Well then remember, I shall go mad if you deceive me. To-morrow I will tell your mother and father. I shall come and propose. Maryanka suddenly burst out laughing. 'What's the matter? 'It seems so funny! 'It's true! I will buy a vineyard and a house and will enroll myself as a Cossack. 'Mind you don't go after other women then. I am severe about that.

At the end of two hours we had already reached the neighbouring fort, which also belonged to Pugatchéf. We changed horses there. By the alertness with which we were served and the eager zeal of the bearded Cossack whom Pugatchéf had appointed Commandant, I saw that, thanks to the talk of the postillion who had driven us, I was taken for a favourite of the master.

Most of the men are bearded and in full dress, with the high fur cap stuck jauntily on the head of square cut hair, the Cossack presents a picturesque and martial figure. The appearance of these men is quite different from that of the clean-shaven regular infantryman of the Russian army.

My heart was beating violently. "Aha, you cursed wretch!" cried the captain. "Are you laughing at us, eh? Or do you think that we won't be able to get the better of you?" He began to knock at the door with all his might. Putting my eye to the chink, I followed the movements of the Cossack, who was not expecting an attack from that direction.

Olenin however did not himself go to see Beletski. Vanyusha for his part approved of Beletski, remarking that he was a real gentleman. Beletski at once adopted the customary life of a rich officer in a Cossack village.

Cattle are scarce a few only being kept by the Russian and Cossack settlers; and horses are equally rare, such as there are belonging to the officials of the Government, and used for Government purposes.