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Astonishment kept him silent for some seconds, and, in the awkward pause, the girl laughed constrainedly nervously. "After all your show of bravery in pursuing a woman, I verily believe you are too much frightened to arrest me if I chose to escape." "Salome, has something terrible happened at home, that you have come here at midnight to break to me?" "Nothing has happened at home."

Captain Dartrey Fenellan has shown me, and says, the French are our masters at it. He bowed constrainedly to mademoiselle. 'You box, M. Skepsey! she said. His melancholy increased: 'Much discouragement from Government, Society! If ladies . . . but I do not venture. They are not against Games. But these are not a protection . . . to them, when needed; to the country.

"Was it a near thing?" "About as near as I care about it threw up the dust between my legs." The man called Joseph grinned. Nature had given him liberally of the wherewithal for indulgence in that relaxation, and Durnovo smiled rather constrainedly.

She must tell Francis so. He did take things so hard. When he came, led by Peggy, neither of them seemed to know what to say for a little while. Francis sat down by her and spoke constrainedly, and then merely stared and stared. "Well, what is it then?" demanded Peggy, who was hovering about, and, unlike the Ellisons, seemed to have no emotions to disturb her.

Mihail Averyanitch, too, thought it his duty to visit his friend and entertain him. Every time he went in to Andrey Yefimitch with an affectation of ease, laughed constrainedly, and began assuring him that he was looking very well to-day, and that, thank God, he was on the highroad to recovery, and from this it might be concluded that he looked on his friend's condition as hopeless.

Mostly explosive bullets. Good-by." He untwisted the wires from the shattered phone units and thrust them in his pocket. Evelyn was picking up stray small objects from the ground. "I've found some cartridges, Tommy," she said constrainedly, "and a pistol I think will work." "Then listen for visitors," commanded Tommy, "while I look for more."

I couldn't do that they're so good to me. But, you see, I put them out so. Now, there's my room, for one thing. 'T was Ella's, and Ella has to keep running in for things she's left, and she says it's the same with the others. You see, I've got Ella's room, and Ella's got Tom's, and Tom's got Bert's. It's a regular 'house that Jack built' and I'm the'Jack'!" "I see," laughed Mary constrainedly.

It was as if the somberness of those wind-swept woods had crept into his cabin. It stilled the rush of words that quivered on his lips. Sophie, indeed, found utterance first. "I'm sorry that you and Tommy fought," she said constrainedly. "I didn't know until this morning. It was cowardly of me to run away. But it was foolish to fight. It didn't occur to me that you two would.

"Did you ever make up Mrs. Inglethorp's medicines?" A slight flush rose in her face, as she answered rather constrainedly: "No." "Only her powders?" The flush deepened as Cynthia replied: "Oh, yes, I did make up some sleeping powders for her once." "These?" Poirot produced the empty box which had contained powders. She nodded. "Can you tell me what they were? Sulphonal? Veronal?"

But supposing you did meet with priests at the palace, what then?" "Nothing," said Nanina, constrainedly. She turned pale, and walked away as she spoke. Her great dread, in returning to Pisa, was the dread of meeting with Father Rocco again. She had never forgotten her first discovery at Florence of his distrust of her.