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Haugwitz had been instructed through the duke of Brunswick: "Pour le cas que vos soins pour retablir la paix echouent, pour le cas ou l'apparition de la Prusse sur le theatre de la guerre soit jugee inevitable, mettez tous vos soins pour conserver a la Prusse l'epee dans le fourreau jusqu'au 22 Decembre, et s'il se peut jusqu'a un terme plus recule encore."

"Nous vous supplions, Seigneur, par l'intercession de S. Brice, Eveque et Confesseur, de conserver votre peuple qui se confie en votre amour; afin que, par les vertues de notre Saint Pontife, nous meritions de partager avec lui les joies celestes." There is yet another cave in the Marmoutier rocks that may be mentioned; it is that of S. Leobard.

Even though she has sung false music to me, and kept my feet solid on the ground, and drawn my star-roving eyes ever back to gaze upon her, she, the conserver of life, the earth-mother, has given me my great days and nights and fulness of years. Even mystery have I imaged in the form of her, and in my star-charting have I placed her figure in the sky.

History may tell us what men did, but only the poet or other artist can make us relive the values of their experience. For through expression they make their memories, or their interpretations of other men's memories, ours. Art is the memory of the race, the conserver of its values.

Je me permets cependant de dire que le sentiment que j'ai eu toutes les fois que je me suis transporte par la pensee a votre chambre de malade est bien autrement profond. Mon amitie pour vous est une des affections les plus vives qu'il m'ait ete donne de conserver. Je n'ai rien de plus cher.

The demand for atonement was the voice of the conserver of Rome's moral life, of the patriotic devotee who was striving earnestly to reclaim the waning favour of her tutelary gods.

Is it a blaspheming clause or reserve any way scandalous unto the world? Do not we thereby honour the Lord God Almighty, Creator, Protector, and Conserver of all things? Is not that a mean whereby we do acknowledge him to be the sole giver of all whatsoever is good?

"It would seem that the origin of prostitution is to be found primarily in a religious custom, religion, the great conserver of social tradition, preserving in a transformed shape a primitive freedom that was passing out of the general social life.

The latter cannot possibly come to fruition nor even go much further until the Country Life problem is boldly faced. In the Conference of Governors it was pointed out over and over again that the farmer, now the chief waster, must become the chief conserver.

In politics, as we know, he was a liberal conservative, a conserver of what was best in the present and the past, and an advancer of all that tended to true and harmonious progress.