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"Who was to be in charge?" "Congdon," replied the doctor, naming one of the petty officers. "He's my coxswain," said Captain Parkinson. "A first-class man. I can hardly believe that he is afraid. We'll see." Congdon was sent for. "You're ordered aboard the schooner for the night, Congdon," said the captain. "Yes, sir." "Is there any reason why you do not wish to go?"

"You don't think they've got any considerable sum of money with them, do you?" asked Archie breathlessly. "That remains to be seen! Did you notice their reference to a man named Congdon? Singular how I keep running into members of that tribe. I'm beginning to think there's a fatality in the name!" Archie glanced at him covertly.

I feel like crying all the time! And I'm not sure that I'm not responsible for all of it, every bit of it! Why, I may as well tell you now that I, poor, weak, foolish I, bade Putney Congdon take horse and ride gaily through the world, carving people with his stout sword! And I played the same trick on you!" "Oh, he told me all about that!" laughed Archie, glad of something to relieve the tension.

The unexplained emotion in her voice moved him profoundly. He cautiously approached. "Of course, we know Frank Congdon he likes to 'string' us Easterners and we take his yarns with due discount. I suppose Captain Haney, like many other Western men, is ready to try his luck now and again, and in that sense really is a gambler." She faced him squarely. "No, he has been the real thing.

I wish she kept better company." "But what can you expect of a girl brought up in a pigsty. Her mother was mistress of a little miners' hotel in Junction City, Allen says, and the girl boasts of it." Mrs. Congdon smiled. "I'm dying to talk with her. She's far and away the most interesting of our newly rich, and I like her face. Frank has called, you know?" "Has he?" "On business, of course.

Her scruples against hearing protestations of love from a man she believed she had injured were creditable to her conscience, but Archie was all impatient to shatter them. She made a candid confession to Mrs. Congdon, with Putney and Archie standing by. "With malice aforethought I practiced my vampirish arts upon these two men! And, Alice, the crudest thing you could do would be to forgive me!

Her heart was still laboring painfully as she faced Congdon, but she contrived to return his greeting as he remarked with quizzical glance, "I hope you'll not find our little town dull, Mrs. Haney." Dull! She wanted to scream out her joy. She felt like racing to the big black team to throw her arms about their necks. Dull!

He was wandering into a description of various other dubious businesses that had attracted Eliphalet Congdon when Archie, nervously twisting a folded newspaper, brought him back to the girl who had played so mischievous a part in his life. "Oh yes! Well, I was ready to jump at anything and she diagnosed my case with marvelous penetration. Really, Comly, it was staggering!

Her silence moved him to further frantic efforts to impress her with the fact that he was now a character molded to her hand. "You were asking for Mrs. Congdon; Mrs. Putney Congdon, I suppose? Well, I certainly could tell you a story if you would give me time! What I don't know about the Congdon family wouldn't make a large book! Ha, ha! But if I had known Mrs.

Shall take every precaution to protect my children from your brutality. Archie felt the hut whirling round him. What he held was beyond question the reply of Mrs. Congdon to her husband's telegram that had been left lying on the dinner table.