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It relieved his mind, and the policeman kept the secret of confession until after the trial. Then he broke the seal, and related to me confidentially the story of his penitent, showing that he was quite as unfit for the sacerdotal office as myself. Mr. H. on his trial was found not guilty, but the department did not feel inclined to entrust him with the collection or custody of any more cash.

"They're at it already, I believe," she said to Lewisham confidentially. "Mr. Lagune's always at it." There were sounds of chairs being moved, Smithers' extensive voice making a suggestion and laughing nervously. Lagune appeared opening the door. His grizzled face seemed smaller and his big grey eyes larger than usual. "We were just going to begin without you," he whispered. "Come along."

But gathering his ideas together, he at last made an attempt. "I have been wishing to talk to you confidentially for several years," he said. "I have been seeking for you, and it was to find you that I came into these seas. Will you come on board of my vessel?" "I do not know you, and I am very well satisfied to stay where I am," answered the man. "But I know you. I have heard through Mr.

Again, why did Pendennis introduce J. J. with such a flourish, giving us, as it were, an overture, and no piece to follow it? J. J.'s history, let me confidentially state, has been revealed to me too, and may be told some of these fine summer months, or Christmas evenings, when the kind reader has leisure to hear. What about Sir Barnes Newcome ultimately?

John stuck his head in at this juncture, and invited us both to come up to Mrs. Inglethorp's room, as he and Mr. Wells had finished looking through the desk in the boudoir. As we went up the stairs, John looked back to the dining-room door, and lowered his voice confidentially: "Look here, what's going to happen when these two meet?" I shook my head helplessly.

Mavick, in his easiest manner, "that's easy enough. You want a disinterested friend." Henderson nodded, but did not even smile, and the talk went on about other measures, and confidentially about certain men in Washington, until, after twenty minutes' conversation, the two men came to a perfect understanding.

In less than a quarter of an hour Vigors, beaten dead, with his eyes closed, and three teeth out, gave in: while Jack, after a basin of water, looked as fresh as ever, with the exception of a few trifling scratches. The news of this victory was soon through the ship; and before Jack had resumed his clothes it had been told confidentially by Sawbridge to the captain.

But Tam's "Attack Formation for Bombing Enemy Depots" attained to the dignity of print, and was confidentially circulated in French, English, Russian, Italian, Serbian, Japanese and Rumanian.

Old Teresa watched her. There was something plainly troubling the child in secret; she had a mind to know what it might be. Zo approached Ovid again, determined to understand the change in him if perseverance could do it. He was talking so confidentially to Carmina, that he almost whispered in her ear. Zo eyed him, without daring to touch his coat tails again.

"I was saying to my wife," the landlord put in, "how she would have enjoyed that bone Diane!" He roared with laughter. Sophia and the landlady exchanged a curious sad smile at this pleasantry, which had been re-discovered by the landlord for perhaps the thousandth time during the siege, but which he evidently regarded as quite new and original. "Eh, well!" he continued confidentially to Chirac.