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"Glad to see you, Austen," he cried, so that the people might hear; and added, in a confidentially lower tone, "We lawyers understand that these little things make no difference, eh?" "I'm willing to agree to that if you are, Nat," Austen answered. He looked at the lawyer's fleshy face, blue-black where it was shaven, and at Mr.

Hedwig, a waitress, whispered into my ear confidentially that we would find the fish delicious, as they were some of those the priests had not needed. The Tyrol, especially in the vicinity of the Achensee, is absolutely priest-ridden, every one, from the peasants to the gentry, contributing, and the best in the land going into their larders and their coffers.

But the birds told Karr confidentially that on several occasions Grayskin had been pursued by poachers, and that only with the greatest difficulty had he escaped. Karr lived in a state of continual grief, yearning, and anxiety. Yet he had to wait two whole summers more before there was an end of the caterpillars!

He continued sagely nodding his head as he rowed us away, and in reply to a question of mine as to what direction he had decided on, winked confidentially. "Monsieur et madame," he replied, "leave it to me. You will have a great surprise." We did, but not in the way he intended.

She exhibits none of the instincts or earmarks of the criminal woman, and no woman with easy money at her command would spend the hours and hard work which she does in the study of music. Confidentially, Morgan, I like the girl, and what I have just told you is one of the reasons why I have never attempted to arrest her and force a confession.

Bronco-busters only last a few years, the hard jarring affects their lungs and other organs so disastrously. One of our men, with the kindest consideration, much appreciated, confidentially showed me a simple method of tying up a bronco's head with a piece of thin rope, adjusted in a particular way, which made pitching or bucking almost, but not always, an impossibility.

"Of course I am; I always am quite wrong." "Quite wrong in mixing up two things; Doctor Thorne as an acquaintance, and Dr Thorne as a doctor." "It is dreadful to have him here, even standing in the room with me. How can one talk to one's doctor openly and confidentially when one looks upon him as one's worst enemy?" And Lady Arabella, softening, almost melted into tears.

He spoke almost confidentially, as to some ignorant and misguided savage as he had talked to Indian chiefs in his time, when searching for the truth regarding some crime: "I've had a lot of revelations in my time. A lawyer and a doctor always do.

Madame Ashburleigh is the very key of the manoeuvre. Madame Ashburleigh don't you perceive? lost a child." "For that matter, she has lost four. I know the lady confidentially, and she told me their histories and present address. Lucia lies in Glasgow, Hannibal at Nice, and Waterloo sleeps somewhere hereabout, as well as another nameless little dear." "She is a good woman.

Farther up his arm, her sailor had come back and was kissing her. ‘The Sailor’s Return,’ he called it.” I admitted it was no wonder Ole liked to look at a pretty girl once in a while, with such a fright at home. “You know,” Lena said confidentially, “he married Mary because he thought she was strong-minded and would keep him straight. He never could keep straight on shore.