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We are born weak, we need strength; we are born destitute of all things, we need assistance; we are born stupid, we need judgment. All that we have not at our birth, and that we need when grown up, is given us by education. This education comes to us from nature itself, or from other men, or from circumstances.

"Be all ready when the carriage comes for me to-morrow, mother dear, for you are going with me, even though it is early. No other girl has a mother who has worked so hard as you have to keep her in school. You are the best mother in the whole world and I am so proud of you."

As Ozzie B. dozed off he heard: "Venture pee-wee under the bridge bam bam bam. Oh, Lord, you who made the tar'nal fools of this world, have mussy on 'em!" Love is love and there is nothing in all the world like it. Its romance comes but once, and it is the perfume that precedes the ripened fruit of all after life.

"Now, there's jest two courses left fer you to sail. Either we go on fishin' an' dodge the gunboat that brings the officer after you, or we go on fishin' an' let him get you when he comes. I'll stand by you either way. You've got yer mother to support, God bless her! An' you've got a right to fill yer hold with fish so's she can live when they're sold.

"I wonder she comes in at all if she can't scrape up an escort. Wonder she has the cheek to do it." They lowered their voices and leaned nearer to each other. Armine lifted his glass of champagne to his lips, sipped it, and put it down. "If you do see any patients, you can explain it's all my fault," he said to the Doctor. "I will take the blame.

He had a theory that a great deal of the misery and discord in the world comes from things not matching properly as they should; and he thought there ought to be a certain correspondence between all things that were in juxtaposition to each other, just as there ought to be between the last two words of a couplet of poetry.

Sir Robert walked to the corner of the room where the yellow object squatted on its pedestal, and contemplated it a while, as a man often studies one thing when he is thinking of another. It seemed to give him an idea, for he looked over his shoulder and said: "That will do, Jeffreys. When Major Vernon comes in, give him my compliments and say that I should be obliged by a word or two with him."

"Psamtik comes into a fine inheritance," lisped the courtier, and the soldier exclaimed, "Yes, but it's to be feared that he'll not spend it in a glorious war; he's too much under the influence of the priests." "No, you are wrong there," answered the temple-singer. "For some time past, our lord and master has seemed to disdain the advice of his most faithful servants."

He does not quite see how it is to be done, but he has a comfortable feeling that it will all come out right; and while he is studying over it, the knight himself comes put of the room where he has slept to say good-morning.

"But this is foolishness," he said, laughing again at himself, for few men thought less of signs and forewarnings than he. Then he looked out again to windward, under his hand, and all of a sudden turned sharply to me, pointing and saying: "But, as I live, hither comes something from the open sea!"