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Now, in my opinion, that am not censorious, this does not look so pretty; but, according to my verdict, he is only making a fool of Miss Nugent, like the rest; and his lordship seems too like what you might call a male cocket, or a masculine jilt." "No more like a masculine jilt than yourself, Mrs. Le Maistre," cried Anne, taking fire.

"Hang the slut: don't talk of her. How Prior rails against his place!* He says the excise spoils his wit, and that the only rhymes he ever dreams of now-a-days are 'docket and cocket." * In the Customs. "Ha, ha! we must do something better for Matt, make him a bishop or an ambassador.

Glass trays contained salad, lettuces, radishes and olives. The salt, pepper and spices were in silver and gold dishes of fanciful shapes. Here and there were crystal vases of freshly gathered roses and violets. On the corners of the table were trenchers of white bread wastel, cocket, manchet, of fine wheaten flour, and brown bread of barley, millet and rye.

To the minds of all occurred memory of that scene in the country, when Gaga had been entranced by Sally's song. They remembered the unknown girl's joyous yell, "What price Gaga on the love path! Whey!" And they remembered Miss Rapson's word about Sally "deep." The white-faced cocket!

"Love path!" she said, in a warm voice of indignation. "She's nothing but a cocket a white-faced cocket. That's what she is. She nothing but a white-faced cocket, that Sally Minto!" From that time onward that was Sally's name among the girls "Cocket," or "White-faced Cocket." Rose had coined the phrase which would stick.

Had she and Gaga arrived together the case would have been different; but nothing had occurred to make the girls suppose that there was any relation between them, and Sally was perfectly safe from that most dangerous of all recognitions. She was still, to the girls, Sally Minto; and to some of them still the white-faced cocket of Rose Anstey's jealous outburst.

And in this transaction before the Committee, one Cocket an Apothecary exhibited in the name of the Chymists such a Scandalous Libel, as the Committee would not suffer to be read; drawn as some conceive by the assistance, and countenance, if not contrivance of his Company.

That post, however, if it was offered to him, he certainly never accepted; but I jealouse that he took the rumour o't for a sign that his character had ripened into an estimation among us, for he thenceforth began to kithe more in public, and was just a patron to every manifestation of loyalty, putting more lights in his windows in the rejoicing nights of victory than any other body, Mr M'Creesh, the candlemaker, and Collector Cocket, not excepted.

Henry Beaufort was then Bishop of Winchester, but afterwards a Cardinal, and though there was another Prince of the Roman Church, Kemp, Archbishop of York and subsequently of Canterbury, Beaufort was always styled by the popular voice and in public acts "The Cardinal of England," on account, perhaps, of his Royal parentage and large wealth, more enormous than had been known since the days of the De Spencers: he had lands in manors, farms, chaces, parks and warrens in seven counties, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Somersetshire, Hampshire and Surrey, besides having the Customs of England mortgaged to him, and the cocket of the Port of Southampton with its dependencies, an indebtedness of the State which is so far interesting as being the foundation of our National Debt.

All the little childer creeps as close as they can to her; she'll have as many as three or four hanging to her apron all at once." "Is she cocket at all?" "Cocket, bless you! you never saw a creature less set up in all your life. Her father's cocket enough. No! she's not cocket any way. You've not heard much of Susan Palmer, I reckon, if you think she's cocket.