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"'Take 'em out of this, says he. 'Take 'em anywhere, take 'em where you like, Jones, take 'em to hell, but take 'em away, says he. "So I loaded up. Wounded Tommies, gassed Arabs, some women and children, and a few lunatics, genuine cock-eyed loonies from the asylum. The shells chased us out. One biffed us over on to the two rear wheels, but we dropped back on four on the top speed.

"And may I ask, do you think that you know anything about women?" "I guess I can tell if they're strong and willing. And so long as they ain't cock-eyed, I don't mind taking the rest on trust." "And what inducement is there for a girl to have you?" "That's why he wants to catch 'em young, when they're just landed and don't know much," laughed Trotter uproariously.

"It is as we thought, and as you hoped, Jack. You are going to have your wish at last and leave your father and me for your new home on the sea." The cock-eyed waiter broke the rather melancholy silence that ensued. "Them's outfitters' cards, sir, yezsir," he said, bringing in his salver again presently, piled up with circulars and square pieces of pasteboard which he placed before Dad.

"No I never will," said Bud as thoughtfully as he knew how to be "nor a cock-eyed 'oman neither. My wife's cock-eyed," he added. He was silent a moment. Then he showed the old man a scar on his forehead: "She done that last month busted a plate on my head." "That's bad," said the Bishop consolingly "but you ortenter aggravate her, Bud."

The bold-faced girls who passed the evening on the corner, in promiscuous flirtation with the cock-eyed youths of the neighborhood, unconsciously revealed to me the eternal secrets of adolescence.

"There, how does that look?" asked Kat, balancing herself on the step-ladder with a caution born of bitter experience, and looking cock-eyed at the blooming basket she had just hung. "Beautiful," answered Bea, with her head, in a big sweeping-cap, turned admiringly side-ways. "Yes, that effect is lovely. I hope it will look as pretty by lamp-light. There comes Ralph with two big packages.

"Yezsir, court-martial gun, sir, aboard the flagship, sir," said the wiry little cock-eyed head waiter, who was hopping about the room "like a parched pea on a griddle," as dad expressed it, stopping to flick the dust from the mantelpiece with his napkin as he replied to the mute inquiry he could read in my glance. "Look, sir! They've h'isted the Jack at the peak, sir, yezsir."

The wiry little cock-eyed waiter rushed off, with his napkin over his shoulder, as he uttered the last words; and, wondering what had caused him to break off so unexpectedly in the middle of his yarn, apparently just when he was approaching the most interesting part of it, I turned my head and saw mother and Dad were within the coffee-room, having entered the doorway just behind me.

Kendall gasped as the thing appeared on his view screen, with the scale-lines below. The scale must be cock-eyed. They said the ship was fifteen hundred feet in diameter, and two thousand long! "Retreat," ordered Kendall, "at maximum acceleration." Talbot was already acting. The gyroscopes hummed in their castings, and the motors creaked.

"Three Mexicans, Pedro, Manuel, and Miguel, headed by that d d cock-eyed Sydney Duck, Wiles." "Are they here?" "Manuel and Miguel, only. The others are over at Tres Pinos lally-gaging Roscommon and trying to rope him in to pay off their whisky bills at his grocery." "If that's so we needn't start before sunrise, for they're sure to get roaring drunk."