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During this stage of her life, she had taken her fair share in the household work, had been fed and clothed coarsely indeed, for her aunt was comparatively poor, but sufficiently and she had been allowed a reasonable number of holidays, and had not been scolded, except when she deserved it.

He had intended to send Wolf, the friend and housemate of his victim, to Spain to become the instructor of his deceived wife. He saw through the game, and it seemed as if he could not help laughing aloud in delight at his own penetration, in rage and despair. How clearly, and yet how coarsely and brutally, it had all been planned!

His nose appeared thick, and, though it befitted his other features, was too coarsely and strongly formed to be the handsomest of its class. His mouth was like no other that I ever saw; the lips firm, and the under jaw seeming to grasp the upper with force, as if its muscles were in full action when he sat still. Neither with the general nor with Mrs.

Meanwhile, how get on the noble Lords Lesborough and Lincoln? 'sure such a pair were never seen, so justly formed to meet by nature!" "Pooh!" said Vincent, coarsely, "they shall get on well enough, before you get in. Look to yourself, and remember that 'Caesar plays the ingrate."

The suspicion that she was not as innocent as a dove came to one, on closer inspection, as a shock: her eyes were tired, though not from loss of sleep; and her manner how shall it be described to those whose happy lot in life has never been to have made the acquaintance of Mrs. Rindge's humbler sisters who have acquired more coarsely, it is true the same camaraderie?

I stated them at length to him, before his own children, syllable by syllable, as coarsely as I could, and with as much offence, and with as plain an exposition of my contempt, as words not looks and manner merely could convey. If I had only called the angry blood into his face, I would have wavered in my purpose. If I had only stung him into being a man for a minute I would have abandoned it.

His eyes filled with tears, which he quietly wiped away with the corner of his handkerchief. "Come, come, don't blubber, boy," said Mr. Holden, coarsely. Herbert was not weak enough to melt into tears at an unkind word. It roused his indignation, and he answered, shortly, "When you see me blubbering, it'll be time enough to speak, Mr. Holden."

She then sank as if pressed down by an invisible power, to her knees, and raised her hands to him imploringly. The prince laughed coarsely, and stepped back. "Rise, madame," said he, "we are not acting a comedy it is only your husband who is speaking with you. Rise, madame, and give me the key to your secretary. You will understand that after having read this letter I desire to see the others.

He was not a bad man, or incapable of benevolence when touched by the sight of want in anything of which he would himself have felt the privation; but he was so coarsely made that only the purest animal necessities affected him, and a hard word, or unfeeling speech, could never have reached the quick of his nature through the hide that enclosed it.

It was this daring spirit, coarsely akin to much that was best in himself, and of which she made proof under his own eyes, that Nelson recognized; and this, in the thought of the writer, was the body of truth, from which his enthusiasm, enkindled by her charms and by her tenderness towards himself, projected such a singular phantasm of romantic perfections.