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"His father, major, murdered my loveliest daughter and interrupted her career of splendor! Alas! one that had a palace where kings were received and to whom princes often sued in vain!" "Halloa! you, to have a daughter of that calibre!" and he laughed coarsely.

Robin thanked him, and was about to take the cheese when Stumps snatched it up, and ran out of the room with it, laughing coarsely as he went. "The big bully," growled Slagg; "it's quite obvious to me that feller will have to be brought to his marrow-bones afore long." "Never mind," said Jeff, who was of a more amiable spirit than Stumps, "here's more o' the same sort."

Opposite the windows the large alcove opened beneath banks of clouds which plaster Cupids drew aside, leaning over, and peeping saucily towards the bed. And like the windows, the alcove was curtained with coarsely hemmed calico, whose simplicity seemed strange in this room where lingered a perfume of whilom luxury and voluptuousness.

Kilgour admitted him to her suite she clung to the door-casing, exhibiting much trepidation. He stepped in, closed the door, and put his back against it. "Have you got those hysterics out of you so that you can listen to me and then talk sense?" he demanded, coarsely.

If the lamp smokes or smells I shall try to trim it. If it does not give light enough I shall sell it and buy another. Epictetus also had a lamp, said the dean, which was sold for a fancy price after his death. It was the lamp he wrote his philosophical dissertations by. You know Epictetus? An old gentleman, said Stephen coarsely, who said that the soul is very like a bucketful of water.

I'd have sung the blackness out of your face and heart, Andy." She leaned back again and began to knit very fast. "I'd like to hear Cassy sing, and see her dance too." Black Andy chuckled coarsely, "I often heard her sing and saw her dance down at Lumley's before she took George away East. You wouldn't have guessed she had consumption. She knocked the boys over down to Lumley's.

Paul; and the Ascension roughly sculptured or coarsely painted, perhaps by the unskilful hands of the Christian preachers themselves were found sufficient to explain to a barbarous people some of the great ruling truths of Christianity.

But is Miss Archer also very strong of purpose?" "Quite as much so as we." "Ah then," said the Countess radiantly, "if I convince her it's her interest to resist you she'll do so successfully!" "Resist us? Why do you express yourself so coarsely? She's not exposed to compulsion or deception." "I'm not sure of that. You're capable of anything, you and Osmond.

Well, they sent Mayer to the galleys at Toulon first; then, among the worst of the prisoners here he was too bold, too full of speech; he had not Laflamme's gift of silence, of pathos. Mayer works coarsely, severely here; Laflamme grows his vegetables, idles about Ducos, swings in his hammock, and appears at inspections the picture of docility.

"Douros! douros!" they shouted, as they twitched their noses. I willingly acceded to their request, and the douros issued at command. Gold Arabic coin. The delight was so great that several Arabs rolled on the ground; this coarsely expressed joy on the part of Mohammedans was worth frenzied applause to me.