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They are sending you translations from the Italian papers, and clippings in English, and copies of some of the notes she's had from the more important musical people, and I really can't add anything to that side of it.

Stanton had just given up the strenuous life of a Lyceum lecturer and welcomed work that would keep her at home. Susan, who had managed to save $4,500 out of her lecture fees, felt she could afford to devote at least a year to the history. She now shipped several boxes of letters, clippings, and documents to the Stanton home in Tenafly, New Jersey.

"I would have done it," said Jerry. Jerry raked up the grass clippings before he took the box of raisins in to his mother. "Where's Cathy?" he asked. "I think she's down looking at TV." Jerry ran down to the recreation room. The TV had been turned off. Cathy was standing close to Pedro's cage. "Cathy. Cathy. Cathy," she repeated. "Say Cathy." Jerry was indignant.

I find they are the only suggestion of me that the Colonel will allow in the house. I tried another letter this week, but it came back unopened. Uncle Noah, give Mother "A Merry Christmas" for me. Uncle Noah laid the letter on his knee and drew from a worn leather wallet several newspaper clippings.

Yet Fate might well have chosen a more appropriate ambush in any one of a hundred of the strange clippings which were grist to the Ad-Visor's mill. Out of a bulky pile of the day's paragraphs, however, it was this one that leaped, significant, to his eye. WANTED Ten thousand loathly black beetles, by A leaseholder who contracted to leave a house in the same condition as he found it.

But as months went by, and he seemed always well and busy, and full of plans for a visit home, she forgave him, and wrote him twice weekly again, charming, motherly letters, in which newspaper clippings and concert programmes likely to interest him were enclosed, and amateur photographs, snapshots of Cornelia in her furs, laughing against a background of snowy Common, snapshots of Cornelia's children with old Kelly in the motor-car, and of dear Taylor and Cornelia with Sally Middleton on the yacht.

A curious volume in this library is a book containing clippings, advertisements, and divers portraits of the twins. It will be impossible to speak at all fully on this subject, but a short history and running review of their lives will be given: Eng and Chang were born in Siam about May, 1811.

He thirsted for approbation, for distinction, for notoriety. His sensitive soul hung upon newspaper clippings with feverish expectations; and about all the attention he received was in the line of being damned by faint praise, or smothered with silence. Patriotism, as far as England was concerned, was not a part of Byron's composition.

All the night long they did nothing else, keeping their hands still upon the pot, but despatch, both on foot and horseback, leaden-sealed writs or letters, to wit, papal commissions commonly called bulls, to stop the boats; for the tailors and seamsters would have made of the stolen shreds and clippings a goodly sagbut to cover the face of the ocean, which then was great with child of a potful of cabbage, according to the opinion of the hay-bundle-makers.

"Oh, mercy," ejaculated Mrs. Heeny; and as if to cut the conversation short she stooped over, creaking like a ship, and thrust her plump strong hand into the bag. "Here, now, just you look at these clippings I guess you'll find a lot in them about your Ma. Where do they come from? Why, out of the papers, of course," she added, in response to Paul's enquiry.