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"Something has gone wrong with your program?" he inquired. To which Corydon answered, "Mr. Harding thinks he ought not to come any more." "Not come any more?" "He says I don't need him now. And he thinks he thinks it isn't right. He's afraid to come." And so a week passed, and the young clergyman was not seen again.

"Yes, do it. I dare say Mr. Morton's quite right. He will look at these things more from your own point of view. All the Kingsley novels are in the Tauchnitz. By all means do what he says." "I will do what you say." "Oh, but I say nothing." "Then I will do nothing." Colville laughed at this too, and soon after the clergyman appeared.

Mass John, could ye think o' rattling ower some bit short prayer, it wad do me gude maybe, and keep some queer thoughts out o' my head, Say something, man." "I cannot use a prayer like a rat-rhyme," answered the honest clergyman; "and if you would have your soul redeemed like a prey from the fowler, Laird, you must needs show me your state of mind."

"It's a bad sort, Wallis," he continued, after another deep sigh, a very highly perfumed one, the sigh of a barkeeper. "When a clergyman falls, he falls for life and eternity, like a woman or an angel. I never knew a backslidden shepherd to come to good. Sooner or later he always goes to the devil, and takes down whomsoever hangs to him." "He'll take down the Old Tenth, then," asserted Wallis.

I hope that the good clergyman, if he ever happens to see what I am writing, will pardon me for making mention of his hidden retreat, which he himself speaks of as "one of the remoter nooks of the old country." Nothing I saw in England brought to my mind Goldsmith's picture of "the man to all the country dear," and his surroundings, like this visit.

He was not a Methodist, but his dead wife had been one, and for her sake, and because he had the instincts of a gentleman, of respect to the ministerial character, he extended a hospitable welcome to the travelling Methodist preachers, who were almost the only ministers in the country except the clergyman of the English Church in the neighbouring village of Niagara.

She thus wrote about it to the clergyman who sent it to her: "All for Jesus has touched me very much.... I know I love Jesus, and there are times when I feel such intensity of love to Him that I have no words to describe it. In reply to a letter from the clergyman, she wrote: "I know I am not standing where I was two or three years ago.

I am going to call a meeting about the enlarging of the school, and I shall try and persuade every one to attend it." "Including myself?" inquired Paul, with a rather sceptical smile. "I shall wish you, of course, to be there." "But I can only be there in opposition to your views," Paul said. "A clergyman gets used to opposition," replied Mr.

The Bishops have the apostolical succession, but many of them disbelieve that they derive any virtue from it. The clergyman is either a priest who can absolve men from sins, or he is a minister as in other Protestant communions. The sacraments are either means of grace, or mere outward signs. A Christian is either saved by baptism, or saved by faith, as he pleases to believe.

It was not such a room as one would wish to see inhabited by a beneficed clergyman of the Church of England; but they who know what money will do and what it will not, will understand how easily a man with a family, and with a hundred and thirty pounds a year, may be brought to the need of inhabiting such a chamber.