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Felix Clemenceau understood everything now. The trustees to whom he owed his subsistence-money, M. Rollinet the imperial counsel, and M. Constantin Ritz, a famous sculptor's son, and the life-companion of Clemenceau, were characters in the momentous drama which Kaiserina recited, whom he knew by correspondence.

The French front was extended up to the Luce and an extemporized Fourth Army replaced the weary remnants of the Fifth. More important was the appointment of Foch as commander-in-chief on the 25th after a conference at Doullens between Haig and Pétain, Lord Milner and Clémenceau, though it cannot have had much effect upon the operations which checked the German advance by the end of March.

It is fair to add that M. Clemenceau was no uncompromising partisan of the conquest of the left bank of the Rhine, nor of colonial conquests. These currents took their rise elsewhere. "We don't want protesting deputies in the French Parliament," he once remarked in the presence of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"I shall report to our committee that we have made our agreement," he said calmly and then, as he proceeded toward the door with the jolly swagger of the Marseillais transforming his stalwart and rigid frame, he added in the southern bland tone, "Delighted to see you again, dear Madame Clemenceau!" She did not hear him, for she had sunk too deeply within the abyss. She regretted she had come back.

I want you to assist me in working out a solution true to the principles we are standing for and to do justice to France, and I can only hope that France will ultimately accept a reasonable solution. I want to be fair to M. Clemenceau and to France, but I cannot consent to the outright transfer to France of 300,000 Germans. A solution was finally found the one that stands in the Treaty to-day."

"Don't call us that.... We work." Andrews laughed. "Are you going far?" she asked peering in his face. "No, I live up here.... My name is the same as yours." "Jean? How funny!" "Where are you going?" "Rue Descartes.... Behind St. Etienne." "I live near you." "But you mustn't come. The concierge is a tigress.... Etienne calls her Mme. Clemenceau." "Who? The saint?" "No, you silly my brother.

M. Clemenceau was the nominal chairman, but in reality it was President Wilson who conducted the proceedings. Minutes of this conversation exist. La Société des Études Politiques. The discourse in question was printed and published. In Germany and Russia the same view was generally taken of the motives that actuated the policy of the Anglo-Saxon peoples.

It was further inflamed by the attitude of Italy's allies, who appeared to her as either covertly unfriendly or at best lukewarm. M. Clemenceau, who maintained during the peace negotiations the epithet "Tiger" which he had earned long before, was alleged to have said in the course of one of those conversations which were misnamed private, "For Italy to demand Fiume is to ask for the moon."

Luncheon was served and M. Cantagnac, seated comfortably, was trying the delicacies with rare conscientiousness about any escaping his harpoon-like fork. Césarine did not give him a second look and neither he nor Clemenceau, with whom he was chatting on politics, more than glanced up at her.

But there is nothing more sacred, after all, than friendship, I owe to your husband more than I have thus far repaid," and he bent a tender regard on his daughter, with its overflow upon Clemenceau one of gratitude.