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At the same time Lodovico desired Caiazzo to show especial civility to the Duke of Orleans, assuring him that the Dukes of Bari and Milan both regarded him as their own kinsman, and hoped that the love and friendship between them would be that of brothers.

And when we finally stopped under the porte cochere I had scarcely the civility left to say good-bye. I held out my hand to help her to the ground, but she paused on the second step. "Mr. Crocker," she observed archly, "I believe you once told me you had not known many girls in your life." "True," I said; "why do you ask?" "I wished to be sure of it," she replied.

So when Sir Percival came forth again from Joyous Gard, there was no knight, unless it was Sir Launcelot himself, who could surpass him in skill at arms; nay, not even his own brother, Sir Lamorack; nor was there anybody, even if one were Sir Gawaine or Sir Geraint, who surpassed him in civility of courtliness or nobility of demeanor.

The vicar was called M. de Pontverre; this name, so famous in the history of the Republic, caught my attention; I was curious to see what appearance the descendants of the gentlemen of the spoon exhibited; I went, therefore, to visit this M. de Pontverre, and was received with great civility.

Tom's features wore an expression of virtuous indignation which puzzled me, and evidently frightened the little girl. He locked the door, and walked unsteadily towards us. He seemed surprised to see me there, and his features relaxed into a bland civility. The child looked at me again with the same smile. Her alarm had fled. 'This is my little daughter Winifred, said Tom, with a pompous bow.

He had a high name in aristocratic circles. He lived on terms of civility with men of all parties. By a courtesy paid to him, neither the ministers nor the leaders of the opposition could be offended. The singular affectation which had from the first been characteristic of Congreve grew stronger and stronger as he advanced in life.

And Joseph bad them not to be afraid, For in the place of God am I he said: For though you meant me ill, God meant it good, And sent me hither to provide you food. Now therefore trouble not yourselves, for I Will nourish you, and all your family. After this manner did he satisfy, And treat them with extreme civility.

'One of them was a man of great liveliness and activity, of whom his companion said that he would tire any horse in Inverness. Both of them were civil and ready-handed Civility seems part of the national character of Highlanders. Works, ix. 25. 'The way was very pleasant; the rock out of which the road was cut was covered with birch trees, fern, and heath.

And taking the lighted torch from the hands of the herdsman, he preceded his guests, not as a servant who performs an act of civility, but like a king who precedes ambassadors. On reaching the door, he bowed. "And now, your excellency," added he, "allow me to repeat my apologies, and I hope you will not entertain any resentment at what has occurred."

Bawtrey, which Jessie had pointed out to him, on pretence of buying a gaudy neckerchief; and soon, thanks to his habitual civility, made familiar acquaintance with the shopwoman. She was a little sickly old lady, her head shaking, as with palsy, somewhat deaf, but still shrewd and sharp, rendered mechanically so by long habits of shrewdness and sharpness.