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There was consolation in the fondness of the loving embrace, at least to such sorrows as those of the maiden; and Queen Mary had an inalienable power of charming the will and affections of those in contact with her, so that insensibly there came into Cicely's heart a sense that, so far from weeping, she should rejoice at being the one creature left to console her mother.

Even Dickie's hair, which wanted to curl, was sternly checked, and kept closely cropped like a boy's; it was only Cicely's that was allowed at present to do as it liked and wave about in soft little rings of gold. Pennie made her plans and thought her thoughts, and often went to bed with Ethelwyn's imaginary figure so strongly before her that she had wonderful dreams.

Thornly's demeanour, who never forgot that she had experienced her protection in the hour of need, and by the irresistible good-nature of Cicely, a smiling, rosy, sunny-looking creature, whose only vocation in this world seemed to be the trying to make everybody as happy as herself. Mrs. Nothing was too large for Cicely's good-will, nothing too small.

Oh! who could have told you these sorrowful tidings?" "No, sister, I think that she is alive and that I, yet living, shall talk with her again." Sister Mary looked bewildered, for how, she wondered, could close prisoners know these things? Staring round to see that she was not observed, she thrust two little packets into Cicely's hand. "Wear these at the last, both of you," she whispered.

Was it, perhaps, just that little lack in her that lack of poignancy, which had prevented her from becoming a mother? An only child herself, she had no nieces or nephews; Cicely's boys had always been at school, and now were out in the world. Yes, a new sensation, and one in which Lennan's restless feelings seemed to merge and vanish.

Two or three retainers of higher degree came round him as he rode into the yard, and, while demanding his news, communicated their own, that my Lord was on his way to Fotheringhay to preside at the execution of the Queen of Scots. He could feel Cicely's shudder as he lifted her off her horse, and he replied repressively, "I am bringing my daughter from thence."

"Tomorrow," he said, drawing her toward him; and their lips met again, but not in the same kiss. JUNE again at Hanaford and Cicely's birthday. The anniversary was to coincide, this year, with the opening of the old house at Hopewood, as a kind of pleasure-palace gymnasium, concert-hall and museum for the recreation of the mill-hands.

As she perceived her, Nelly was startled into quick recollection of Cicely's remark of the morning 'Your sister seems to have grown much older. But not only older different! Nelly could not have analysed her own impression, but it was so painful that she ran down to meet her. 'Bridget, it's too far for you to Grasmere! and coming back up this awful hill! You look quite done.

"What, there, Tom Webster, I say," cried one, catching sight of Cicely's face, "here is a Queen o' the May for thee!" His broad-shouldered comrade stopped in the way, and with him all the rest. "My faith, Jem Armstrong, 'tis the truth, for once in thy life!" quoth he, and stared at Cicely.

In the meantime the delicious strains of a valse were swinging through the great room, and the smooth floor was full of dancers, except in the space reserved for the royalties, where only a few couples were circling. Cicely's feet were moving. "Can't we dance, Dick?" she said.