United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Angela asked her sister, after her second dinner at Chilton, by which time she and Hyacinth had become familiar and at ease with each other. "Is it given to the poor?" "Some of it, perhaps, love; but I'll warrant that most of it is eaten in the offices with many a handsome sirloin and haunch to boot." "Oh, sister, it is dreadful to think of such a troop! I am always meeting strange faces.

Flint should immediately proceed to Ireland, and personally ascertain the truth or falsehood of the facts alleged by Chilton. "Mr. Chilton is announced," said Lady Seyton, hurriedly entering the library in Grosvenor Square, where Mr. Flint and myself were seated. "I need not be present, I think you said?" she added, in great tremor. "Certainly not, madam," I replied. "We shall do better alone."

Hadley Grange, commonly known as the Grange, was in every detail the antithesis of Chilton Abbey. At the Abbey the eye was dazzled, the mind was bewildered, by an excess of splendour an over-much of everything gorgeous or beautiful. At the Grange sight and mind were rested by the low tone of colour, the quaker-like precision of form.

The telephone card was not on its hook; it was on the floor. But Pollyanna found it, and ran her shaking forefinger down through the C's to "Chilton." In due time she had Dr. Chilton himself at the other end of the wires, and was tremblingly delivering her message and answering the doctor's terse, pertinent questions. This done, she hung up the receiver and drew a long breath of relief.

But Uncle Joshuay in especial were possessed to pester her, and inquire were she yet riconciled to the will of God, and warn her of judgment if she refused." "Doubtless Uncle Joshuay's high talk did agg her on," said Mrs. Chilton, impartially, "but she need n't to have blasphemed like she done at Evy's funeral occasion." Marthy covered her face with her hands.

'We shall see, said Mark laughing. 'I must leave you here. I have an appointment with Chilton & Fladgate just by. 'Ay, ay, said the old gentleman, wagging his head; 'publishers, aren't they? Don't tell me your ambition's dead if it's taken you as far as that. But I won't ask any more questions. I shall hope to be able to congratulate you shortly.

Indeed, it was only Fareham's character austere as Clarendon's or Southampton's which kept the finest of all company at a distance. Lady Castlemaine had called at Chilton in her coach-and-four early in July; and her visit had not been returned a slight which the proud beauty bitterly resented: and from that time she had lost no opportunity of depreciating Lady Fareham.

She was a haughty, imperious woman, and her 'boy, as she fondly termed him, was her pride. Chilton, or, rather, Mrs. Guy was naturally of a happy, genial temperament; fond of study; fond of art, flowers, poetry, everything that was noble and beautiful, that could minister to highly cultivated tastes. Mr.

Chilton, and many others, sat for their portraits, and were highly gratified. Professor Morse also came and proposed to Mr. Wolcott to join him in the working of the invention, etc. From this time much interest was manifested by our friends in our progress. Rooms were obtained in the Granite Buildings, corner of Broadway and Chambers street, and fitted for business.

It's PROFESSIONAL pride I'm talking about. It's a case of sickness, and I'm a doctor. I can't butt in and say, 'Here, take me!'can I?" "Chilton, what was the quarrel?" demanded Pendleton. The doctor made an impatient gesture, and got to his feet. "What was it? What's any lovers' quarrel after it's over?" he snarled, pacing the room angrily.