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Indeed, we have practically come to the conclusion that one of the main reasons why adults do not develop diphtheria so frequently as children, is that they are not brought into such close and intimate contact with other children, nor are they in the habit of promptly and indiscriminately hugging and kissing every one who happens to attract their transient affection, and they have outgrown that cheerful spirit of comradeship which leads to the sharing of candy in alternate sucks, and the passing on of slate-pencils, chewing-gum, and other objets d'art from hand to hand, and from mouth to mouth.

The employment of working men in the brewing of beer or the manufacture of chewing-gum may give large returns to an individual or a corporation, but the social utility of such activity is small.

It had to be dragged from him. So Whitey proceeded. "Please explain about this fishing for gum," he said politely. "Gum him chew," Injun replied. "Oh, chewing-gum!" cried Whitey. A light dawned on him, for he knew that Injun was very fond of chewing-gum. So was Whitey. "You trade the fish for gum." "No trade; sell 'em; get much gum."

I wanted I had to stop to sell Senator Biggs some chewing-gum, and when he had gone, Miss Cobb was reaching out for the bundle. I snatched it from her. "Give me those letters instantly," she cried shrilly. But I marched from behind the counter and over to the fireplace. "Never," I said, and put the package on the log. When they were safely blazing, I turned and looked at Miss Cobb.

The fog was so dense that it looked like a yellow curtain hung in the opening. "Phew!" said Bryce. "I may be some little time, sir." "Quite likely. But don't stop to pick daisies." The constable went out, closing the door. Kerry laid his cane on the table, then stooped and tossed a cud of chewing-gum into the stove.

I shall now furnish you the weapons you must use to overcome him. Here is a magic umbrella, and in this basket which you must carry on your arm, you will find a lump of putty, an iron ball, a mirror, a package of chewing-gum and a magic veil, all of which will be very useful. Here, also, is a winged dagger, with which you must protect yourself if the Wizard attempts to harm you.

The rascal is anxious to settle down in some strictly moral community and open a confectionery shop one of these little concerns where the neighborhood children bring in their pennies for sodas and chewing-gum, with a line of late magazines on the side. A kind, genial man is Leary, and he swears he'll abandon the road for good."

Brainard hesitated. "Well, it seemed to me that Pepper is trying to do two things that are antagonistic: be 'élite' and sell chewing-gum. The fact is that élite people don't chew gum. I'd like to know how the statement, 'Old Tulu Best by Test, will make a kid on the corner with a cent in his fist have an attack of mouth-watering." Kaufmann roused himself. "It is true. Our gum is the best."

"Ah, you read the society news?" "With a qualmish stomach. I see the names of those whom I used to know advertising themselves in the papers as if they had a shaving-soap or a chewing-gum to sell." "Part of the game," returned the girl airily. "The newcomers, the climbers, would give their souls to get the place in print that we get without an effort."

The earliest had been spent in the yellow "frame" cottage where she had hung on the fence, kicking her toes against the broken palings and exchanging moist chewing-gum and half-eaten apples with Indiana Frusk.