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Gorman without hesitation fixed Monday, which is the earliest day in any week except Sunday, and he did not suppose that the offices of the Ministry of Balkan Affairs would be open on Sunday. It is not true, though it is frequently said, that Sir Bartholomew retained the services of the chef of the Feodora Hotel when he took over the building for the use of his Ministry.

Since Woodrow Wilson has been President, America has been afflicted with what might be called the Professors' Age. The professors in the Y certainly had the pull. If a kitchen was opened in Flanders, a professor of chemistry was the director in charge; a chef was no better than a kitchen scullion.

"Ga'rabotin! but I thought it was the devil himself," said the Sénéchal, as the others came hurrying up. "Why the deuce can't people tie up their horses as they do their cows? I'll bring it up at the next Chef Plaids" which consideration restored his shaken equanimity somewhat, and made him feel himself again.

I'll be going into a strange country soon, and I should not wonder if some of them that have gone there first will be ready to stand by me. We don't know what friends we'll be glad of there." The dinner bell broke up this conversation, and Ethel during it told Madam about the cook and cooking at the Court and at Nicholas Rawdon's, where John Thomas had installed a French chef.

"I suppose you are happier here than in a big London restaurant," said Winter. The butler appreciated such subtle compliments, and beamed on them. "With a little encouragement and advice, our chef can prepare a very eatable dinner," he said.

I suppose you will laugh at this, Dolly, and at first I confess that there was enough of the old American in me to be shocked at the idea of a French chef marrying an Altrurian lady who could trace her descent to the first Altrurian president of the Commonwealth, and who is universally loved and honored.

He preferred apple pie to the greatest of artistic triumphs of his daughter's chef, and had it; a glorified apple pie, with frills and furbelows, and whipped cream which he angrily swept to one side with contempt. "That isn't apple pie," he said. "I'd like to take that Frenchman to the little New England hilltown where I went to school and show him what apple pie is."

And when I got off the subway at Atlantic Avenue, who should I see but friend chef again. He got off the same train I did. He had on civilian clothes then, of course, and when he was out of his white uniform and pancake hat I recognized him right off. Who do you suppose it was?" "Can't imagine," said Roger, highly interested by this time.

To serve both would have appeared ridiculous, but the Cardinal was most anxious to have the credit of both. He imparted his embarrassment to his chef: "'Be of good faith, your Eminence, was the reply, 'both shall appear and enjoy the reception so justly their due. The dinner was served: one of the turbots relieved the soup.

They walked down Kapiolani Boulevard and turned up Keaumoku. "Did you go to school here?" he asked. "Roosevelt. I graduated last year." "You don't sound like you've been here all your life." "Five years," Rhiannon said. "My parents got divorced and I came out here with my mom." "Oh. Where's your father?" "He's in New Haven. He's a chef in a great Italian restaurant.