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I was not merely an interested spectator, but one who believes that where man worships he appeals to the same God no matter by what name He is called. I watched this crowd, each holding a long lighted taper, stand for hours making the sign of the Cross, while the gorgeously-robed priest chanted the service and made sundry waves with his hands and gave certain swings with the incense-burner.

Before long Hazel brought out the bird-cage and hung it in the sun. And surprisingly, almost alarmingly, the ancient bird began to sing. It was like hearing an old man sing a love-song. The bird sat there, rough and purblind, and chanted youth with the magic of a master. Hazel and Edward stood still to hear it, holding each other's hands. 'He's ne'er said a word afore, breathed Hazel.

"Gather a dozen large stones and build an altar quick!" he commanded. The sleepy Indians stumbled to their feet, obeyed orders, and in a few moments a rude altar was erected. The priest propped the cross on the apex, and, kneeling with his Indians, slowly chanted a mass.

'List to the pigmy praising the oracle, chanted the artist. 'I do not think, went on the American, 'that the English girls I have met are as bright or as clever as the cultured young women of the continent of America. In other words, with all her natural charm, the English girl does not edit herself well. 'In that, said H. Stackton Dunckley, 'she reflects the breed.

Which delightful prediction the nuns were so happy to hear, that they dried their tears, and chanted their Ave Maria, joyfully proceeding towards their appointed habitation.

When the list of their ancient chiefs, the fifty original councillors, is chanted in the closing litany of the meeting, there is heard from time to time, as the leaders of each clan are named, an outburst of praise, in the words

Each pressed a great toe, like a dark-skinned potato, on the seat in front of him for support in the fierce effort of rowing. Turbans were torn off shaved, perspiring heads, and even skull-caps went in the last extreme. Wild appeals were chanted to all the handiest saints to grant aid in the terrible undertaking. An eagle-eyed child at the steering wheel gazed pityingly at his agonized elders.

"Slay! slay! slay!" he chanted. "Wipe out the whole brood from the earth. Let all those who served the brother-slayer bear him company in death." "Stay! Let them surrender if they will," cried Gerrard. "Let the servants of Sher Singh lay down their arms, and taste the mercy of the Government."

But the Lord of Iblin would bring his speech to its conclusion and have his say before them all, thus kneeling as if it were a rendering of his trust, a fitting close to a so loyal life. The words of his Swan-Song had been chanted in full, rare, solemn harmony the lutes in gracious melody accompanying, like an undertone of love slow tears down dropping from the eyes of Margherita.

Who can't come then to a 'Merry Hearts' meeting?" "We can't. Play committee meets," chanted Rachel and Betty together. "Mob rehearsal from four to six," added Bob. "Helen Adams has to go to a conference with the new board of editors," put in Madeline. "I heard her talking to Christy about it. It begins early and they're going to have tea."