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True, he could change now to Jimmie Dale, but he would have to change back again and return to the Sanctuary before morning, as Larry the Bat and remain there until Kline, beaten, called off his human bloodhounds. No, a change was not to be thought of.

"Aye, ah will, yer may depend! Good night t'ye!" And at last they parted. I waited till they were some twenty yards apart, and then put the Watch a minute back. The instantaneous change was startling: the two figures seemed to flash back into their former places. " isn't suited, she can but coom back.

He wore the same coat and hat, but a different face looked out from the sheep-skin collar turned up to the ears. There was no one in the court-yard to notice this trifling change. Barebone was not even looking out of the window. He had never glanced at the cabman's face, whose vehicle had happened to be lingering at the corner of the Ruelle St.

The wildest demagogues, in their appeals to popular passion, as the history of the French Revolution and of all revolutions shows us, have always been obliged to exhibit the demands of mere self-interest as based on some general theory of what is morally just or right; and however much the theory may accommodate itself to the hope of private advantage, there are few demands made for any great social change which do not derive a large part of their force from persons with whom a belief in the justice of the demands stands first, while so far at least as their own consciousness is concerned the prospect of personal advantage stands second or nowhere.

"There is no rest like change of occupation," I said, with profound conviction. The affair was over. On my verandah steps he turned. "I am already greatly indebted to you," he said. I made an interrogative noise. "You have completely cured me of that ridiculous habit of humming," he explained. I think I said I was glad to be of any service to him, and he turned away.

Now let us change the subject. You have not told me yet whether you had any flirtations in India." "Flirtations!" he repeated. "For once, the small section of womankind that I encountered were above and beyond flirtations.

Now it began to live again; it was as though the spirit were returning from afar, and not without toil and tribulation. Expression after expression flitted across the features; indeed these seemed to change so much from moment to moment that they might have belonged to several different individuals, though each was beautiful.

Along this road during the year this change was worked there walked a mournful procession men and women on tramp. Some of these were doubtless rogues and vagabonds by nature and choice; but many, very many, were poor fellows who had really lost employment, and were gradually becoming degraded to the company of the professional beggar.

She had casually learned that Landy had had to work as a boy, as a youth, and as a young man, that he had accumulated enough so that he could now enjoy the play-days once denied him. Yes, she would change her notes to say: "uncouth verbiage and slatternly dress are often assets in gaining information and are no hindrance in granting loyalty and devotion."

"Of course the dress deceived me," I said presently, "and not once did she turn her face toward me; besides, I did not imagine for a moment that any one but you could be sitting at that table." "But I cannot understand why," she pursued, "if you didn't know it was Sister Sarah, you made that sudden change in your story." For a moment I hesitated, and then I saw I might as well speak out honestly.