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It is the recreation hour. Come, my beloved chums, I simply must think of some way to spend our vacation and I never can think indoors. 'It is the merry month of May," caroled Madge. "Come, Phil, let us go down to the water and take Nell and Lillian rowing. It is a dream of an afternoon, all soft and sunshiny, and the river folk are calling us, the frogs, and the water rats "

Then he laid his ear close to the instrument, as if he were listening to some living voice hidden there within, ran warily with the bow over the strings, and warbled, and caroled, and sang with maddening glee, and still with a shivering undercurrent of woe.

"A letter," they caroled; "a letter, a l-e-t-t-e-r," dwelling on every sound with enchanting tenderness. The old Fleury house overlooked the military garden to the west, and the river to the east. There had been an addition built to it, a wing that placed the hall in the middle. It was wide, and the door at each end was set open.

They caroled together as they flew, and their songs were happy, and falling, falling, like clear drops, as they rose, and rose, and winged their way far upward, a delicious peace came into the mind of the poor widow woman, and she returned to her lodge deeply thankful at heart for all the goodness that had been shown to her by the Master of Life.

I am now free from the cares and pains of human life. My food is spontaneously furnished by the mountains and fields, and my pathway of life is in the bright air." Then stretching himself on his toes, as if delighted with the gift of wings, Iadilla caroled one of his sweetest songs, and flew away into a neighboring wood.

With deepest sympathy, Yours truly, To go back to our Concord amusements. Mr. Bright caroled out a greeting not very long after our return: WEST DERBY, September 8, 1860. MY DEAR MR. HAWTHORNE, Of course not! I knew you 'd never write to me, though you declared you would.

Thank you for a pleasant evening. Good-by, George. Good-by, all! Be good little boys go nighty-nighty!" They raced to the corner, scurried down the first side street, turned again, and slowed to a gallop. Pringle was in high feather; he caroled blithesome as he rode: "So those three little owls flew back up in the barn Inky, dinky, doodum, day!

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the knave caroled Bob, and charged the matter up to experience, not, however, without first storing the incident away in his nimble brain for future reference.

"Hello, Gracious," she caroled amiably, laying down the sheet of paper she held in her hand and making a quick dive for Grace. "I began to thing you weren't coming home to-night. How are you, and how is everybody? In spite of being fairly swamped with themes, I managed to arise in my might and make cocoa. It's in the chocolate pot and there are some extra fine Dean-made sandwiches to match.

Timidly at first but with an increasing abandon, half laughter and half tears, the clear young soprano voice took up its playful paraphrase, "God rest you merrie animals! Let nothing you dismay!" caroled Flame. "For "