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The Prince Caramitzo or the pirate Zappa, for under either of those names that worthy person may in future be recognised, assured his followers of the satisfaction their affection afforded him, and then ordered them to tumble the Sicilians into their speronara, and to make all sail without delay.

Argiri Caramitzo was a man who hated inactivity; he was never happy except he was in motion, and never contented unless he had a prospect of change before him.

The Prince Caramitzo, as he threw a sea-cloak over his shoulder in front of the hotel, took the arm of Captain Dunnup, and warmly pressed his hand. "I have much reason to thank you for your politeness, sir, and shall be glad to welcome you to Greece."

"Will you not come below to take some refreshment? We shall be happy to offer it also to those in the boat." The stranger hesitated: at that instant Ada, who had risen to witness the conference, came to the break of the poop. She had been examining the countenances of the officers. "The Prince Caramitzo, I am sure!" she exclaimed. "Prince!

The most severe critic could not have found the slightest fault with him, except perhaps that his coat shone too much, as if it was just out of the tailor's hands. "Permit me to introduce to your ladyship, my friend, Prince Argiri Caramitzo," said Captain Dunnup, advancing and presenting the stranger, who bowed gracefully.

The Greeks were satisfied that they were right, and on their retiring, officers were instantly despatched in search of the supposed pirate. The result of their inquiries Captain Fleetwood had not yet learned; but the description given by the Greeks answered so exactly to that of the Prince Argiri Caramitzo, whom he had met at the ball the previous night, that he could not help being struck by it.

As soon as the boat, which was full of armed men in the picturesque costume of Greek sailors, came alongside, Caramitzo turned to the padrone of the speronara: "Alessandro," he said, "your personal services to me are over, for the present; but I have occasion for the use of your vessel for a few hours longer. Do you and your people go quietly on board the brig, and remain till my return.

"We have a good breeze, and shall reach the Sea Hawk, if she is at her post, long before dark." "Did you ever know her miss her rendezvous?" said the Greek. "And now, my good Paolo, let me ask how it has fared with you since yesterday?" "As it may with a man weary of the world," returned the youth, sighing deeply. "You will yet do bravely, Paolo," said Caramitzo.

Highly satisfied with the adventures of the evening, Caramitzo took his way to the abode of the Jew, Aaron Bannech, not deeming it prudent to sleep under any other roof; perhaps he would not have trusted himself under that of the Israelite, had he not felt assured that the preservation of his life and liberty was of very considerable importance to his host.

"Here has been Prince Caramitzo waiting for the last quarter of an hour to lead you out to dance, and you were nowhere to be found I will not have it." And he looked a black thundercloud at Fleetwood. "Come, Signior Principe, there is your partner ready for you."