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Amid the dire confusion and heavy clouds of smoke caused by the incessant cannonading the Infantry effected an entrance among the advanced mounds and trenches of petty outworks, and animated by their partial success, formed themselves simultaneously into wedges and masses, and headed by their brave leaders rushed forward in gallant style.

The result can readily be foreseen. Hardly had Jupp reached Mary's side and proceeded to hoist the obstreperous clothes-line, when "Bang! bang!" came the reports of distant cannonading on the front lawn, followed by an appalling yell from the little girls, who from the safe point of vantage of the drawing-room windows were looking on at the preparations of war.

He had ideas as to how should be flown the new form of kite which should carry into the upper depths explosives to shatter and compress the atmosphere and produce the condensation which makes rain, just as concussions from below as after the cannonading of a great battle produce the same effect.

In the confusion of conflicting orders the 5th corps had already traversed the region no less than three times. The sound of cannonading had reached them the day before from the direction of Bar; the Prussians could not be more than a couple of leagues away.

His Majesty immediately ordered that everything should be done in order to drive out this remnant of the enemy; and during an entire day there was a continued cannonading and shooting in the town from one bank to the other. Bullets and shell fell like hail on the spot occupied by the Emperor.

Cannonading was heard this day supposed to be in the direction of Franklin. The morning following, the order was passed to prepare to march. But, after getting ready, we stood all day waiting for the word to proceed. Just at dark were told to unharness horses, as we were not to move for the present. Tuesday, March 10th. All quiet on Cripple creek. Tents were again pitched.

The "resolve" he and others had thought invincible, the iron nerve that had not quivered in the shock of fifty engagements, failed him. Yet he rallied as the cannonading jarred his bed and insisted upon receiving reports from hour to hour. "Good! good!" he ejaculated, when told how his own brigade was behaving.

Suddenly I realized that there was a sound in the distance, not continuous, but steadily recurrent, a faint booming, I thought. "What's that noise off yonder?" I asked, with one ear cocked toward the east. Miss Falconer roused herself. "It is the cannonading," she answered. "We have come a long way, Mr. Bayne. In two hours in less than that we could drive to the Front. And see!"

So well was the night spent that when morning dawned the British found a long line of new earthworks stretched along their front; and though instantly their guns began cannonading them, the men were now protected and could dig on, unheeding of the fire.

The officer soon returned with the report that Hooker was all right, that the cannonading was only a part of a little rear-guard fight, two sections of artillery making all the noise, the reverberations from point to point in the adjacent mountains echoing and reechoing till it seemed that at least fifty guns were engaged.