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"Only one pack horse and that lame," Wayland pointed to the foot prints. "That means they must have provisions cached some where on the way. If we can tire them out before they can reach their cache, we've got 'em." Once, where the way led between flanking foot hills, the tracks dipped into a mountain stream and didn't come up on the other side.

"D'you know that plunder can't be far away; those fellows haven't had much time to make their cache," he reflected, more to himself than to me. "I wonder how they accounted to Lessard for us.

We have to get breakfast and then go and open the cache." She had told them of the cache overnight and, to her wonder, the thing had interested them, so this morning when they had finished their biscuits and beef she found not the slightest difficulty in making them start.

And besides, these Fleet sailormen will make an additional argument towards lying low for a bit. He'll see how they wander about in batches into all sorts of unexpected places, and he will be very chary about rootling up the cache whilst they are in the neighbourhood and likely to disturb him." "There's a good deal in that," commented Haigh, blinking at the shabby black steamer thoughtfully.

From the centre two men had gone back with the cattle gathered up to that time, and Bill Dancing, with Smith, Stormy Gorman, and two of the cowboys, were heading a draw to cross to the north side of the Cache, when three men rode out into the road five hundred yards ahead, and halted. Whispering Smith spoke: "There come our men; stop here.

The way she went gave no shelter save the trees and caves which had been used to câche buffalo meat and hides in old days. But beyond this there was danger in travelling by night, for the springs beneath the ice of the three lakes she must cross made it weak and rotten even in the fiercest weather, and what would no doubt have been death to Ba'tiste would be peril at least to her.

When the neck of the cache is nearly level with the surrounding surface, the sod is again fitted in with the utmost exactness, and any bushes, stocks, or stones, that may have originally been about the spot, are restored to their former places.

"Be a great thing for this country say, where does it cross the Rockies? what's the general route?" Bill asked abruptly. "Goes over the range through Yellowhead Pass. From here it follows the Nachaco to Fort George, then up the Fraser by Tete Juan Cache, through the pass, then down the Athabasca till it switches over to strike Edmonton." "Uh-huh," Bill nodded.

There was a rise in the atmospheric pressure the moment he entered the hotel office door, and when he walked into the dining-room, some minutes later, the silence was oppressive. Smith looked for a seat. The only vacant place chanced to be at a table where nine men from the Cache sat busy with ham and eggs. It was a trifle awkward, but the only thing to do was to take the vacant chair.

Bela studied his averted face with a curious wistfulness. He was very difficult to handle. "You want to see my cache?" she asked abruptly, at last. "Where I stay?" Sam's heart leaped up. Old Prudence shook his staff in vain. "Yes, if you like," he said breathlessly, scowling harder than ever. She scrambled to her feet. "Stay here," she said. "I come back soon."