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Norris," said that individual, stepping forward, "I owe you an apology, and must say I never saw a finer " Just here the mare snapped viciously at the bronco-buster, from whose spurs her flanks were still bleeding, and leaped sideways with so sudden a movement that any but a most practiced rider would have been flung to the ground.

When up stepped a man, and he said, "I suppose You're a bronco-buster. I can tell by your clothes." Well, I thought that I was, and I told him the same. I asked him if he had any bad ones to tame? "I have an old pony what knows how to buck; At stacking up cowboys he has all the luck." I asked him what'd he pay if I was to stay And ride his old pony around for a day.

"Then one day Yorke brought that Blake and Moran case up in front of me. Both of these men I'd met before, but they didn't recognize me again not absolutely. I usually contrived to keep pretty clear of them for reasons which will appear obvious later. I'm coming to that. Moran I recognised as a former Montana tough who used to hang around Havre bronco-buster, cow-puncher, and tin-horn by turns. Many a time I've caught him sizing me up, in Cow Run and elsewhere mighty hard, too, but he never seemed to be sure of me. Once he did chance a feeler, but I just twirled my moustache,

Silas Pine, of Medora, North Dakota, a bad man from the Bad Lands, a bronco-buster by profession, who has also consented to become a terror to Spaniards in my company." "Have you a company, then?" asked Ridge, after he had acknowledged this introduction. "I have that is, I belong to one; but, in the sense you mean, you must not use the word company.

I'll let you try him some day, when he's gentled." "Well, if I wasn't so big 'n' heavy I'd take you up on that," said Creede, "but I'm just as much obliged, all the same. I don't claim to be no bronco-buster now, but I used to ride some myself when I was a kid.

By the time the set was disentangled, the dance seemed to be over, and the "bronco-buster" dismissed the dancers with the cynical prophecy, "You'll all get married on a stor-my day!" At this juncture, midnight being well passed, supper was announced. The kitchen door swung open, and the fragrant smell of the coffee took possession of the room, and floated out through the open window.

I ordered 500 extra ready-prints by wire from the Newspaper Union and persuaded a bronco-buster to turn the old press for me.

Brent Palmer jerked out an oath, and reached for his gun. The loop of the riata fell wide over him, immediately to be jerked tight, binding his arms tight to his side. The bronco-buster, swept from his feet by the pony's rapid turn, nevertheless struggled desperately to wrench himself loose.

"Reach out your hand, Ranse Truesdell," he said, "and you'll touch him. And you can shake his'n, too, if you like, for he's plumb white and there's none better in no camp." Ranse looked again at the clear-faced, bronzed, smiling cowpuncher who stood at Collins's side. Could that be Curly? He held out his hand, and Curly grasped it with the muscles of a bronco-buster.

And when I looked again, not one of the sun-bronzed faces was strange to me, but every one was the face of a brother. Choteau's Congressman was my Congressman! Benton's Great Man was my Great Man! I fell into line alongside a big bronco-buster with his high-heeled boots and his clanking spurs and his bandy-legged, firm-footed horseman's stride. Thirty yards farther on we were old comrades.