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They took the sermon in good part, and I hope that some of them profited by it. At any rate, they repaid me by a very much more tangible expression of affection. When I went in, one of the troopers came forward and on behalf of the regiment presented me with Remington's fine bronze, "The Bronco-buster."

There was in his countenance the same ugliness that his words conveyed. "Who's that talkin'?" said one of the men near me, in a low voice. "Trampas." "What's he?" "Cow-puncher, bronco-buster, tin-horn, most anything." "Who's he talkin' at?" "Think it's the black-headed guy he's talking at." "That ain't supposed to be safe, is it?" "Guess we're all goin' to find out in a few minutes."

It was he who so often stepped forward and asserted, with the voice of a bronco-buster, that it would be a lasting blot, sir, upon the name of this great state if it should decline to recognize in a proper manner the genius that had so brilliantly transferred to imperishable canvas a scene so typical of the great sources of our state's wealth and prosperity, land and er live-stock.

"He's goin' to the D.1 to-morrow." Phil was examining the wrapping on his saddle horn with the Dean noted quite unnecessary care. "Kitty was over this mornin'," said the Dean gently. The young man turned, and, taking off his spurs, hung them on the saddle horn. Then as he kicked off his leather chaps he said shortly, "I'm not looking for a job as a professional bronco-buster."

Then there was little McGinty, the bronco-buster from Oklahoma, who never had walked a hundred yards if by any possibility he could ride. When McGinty was reproved for his absolute inability to keep step on the drill-ground, he responded that he was pretty sure he could keep step on horseback.

'The Bronco-buster of Powder River! They can't do without me! If any son-of-a-gun here thinks he knows how to break a colt," he shouted, looking around with the irrelevant fierceness of drink and then his challenge ebbed vacantly in laughter as the subject blurred in his mind. "You're not drinking, Lin," said he. "No," said McLean, "I'm not." "Sworn off again?

When, at last, the wiry, determined-looking "bronco-buster" sprang upon the company the somewhat abstruse direction: "Lady round the gent, and the gent don't go; Lady round the lady, and the gent so-lo!" the "gent" in question became hopelessly bewildered, and stood stock still in the middle of the floor.

"Well, we don't want a stranger along tonight," said she, seriously. "You're right, we don't. That there horse you're ridin' he's a good one, as good as any in the cavalry, even if he ain't as tall. He was an outlaw till Missus Mathews tamed him down." "How did she do it not break him like a bronco-buster?" "No, she done it like she tames Injuns and other folks, by gentle words and gentler hands.

For, though the bronco-buster was already so fettered that his only possible movement was of the jack-knife variety, nevertheless he might be able to hitch himself along the ground to a sharp stone, there to saw through the rope about his wrists. Estrella, her husband held in contempt. He merely supplemented her wrist bands by one about the ankles.

"Reach out your hand, Ranse Truesdell," he said, "and you'll touch him. And you can shake his'n, too, if you like, for he's plumb white and there's none better in no camp." Ranse looked again at the clear-faced, bronzed, smiling cowpuncher who stood at Collins's side. Could that be Curly? He held out his hand, and Curly grasped it with the muscles of a bronco-buster.