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We'd be a fine pair of fools to let an ancient grudge go on. They tell me you've a wonderful apartment on top of that skyscraper of yours." "Will you come to dinner some night?" "Any time you say. I should like to bring my daughter." "She doesn't know?" "No. Heard of Hawksley; thinks he's English." "I am certainly agreeable." This would be a distinct advantage to Kitty.

If the boys of his parish are already adequately cared for he will not feel called upon to bring coals to Newcastle. His personal inventory must needs take into account his tastes and ability.

Why relieve distress which fresh accidents may bring back again to-morrow, with all its miseries?

There was little to distinguish it from several other huts. "There's the Red Cross station and that big wooden building at the corner; I think we shall recognise them again," I said. "Do you see that signalling pole on the roadside? That's a pole crossing, and I know there's a track leading off the road there," added Wilde shrewdly. "That's the way we'd better bring the cart."

"And why should we trust you with one hundred francs?" asked Madame Dépine. "You might botch the work." "Or fly to Italy," added the "Princess." In the end it was agreed he should have fifty down and fifty on delivery. "Measure us, while we are here," said Madame Dépine. "I will bring you the fifty francs immediately." "Very well," he murmured. "Which of you?"

The Dutch war goes on very ill, by reason of lack of money; having none to hope for, all being put into disorder by a new Act that is made as an experiment to bring credit to the Exchequer, for goods and money to be advanced upon the credit of that Act. Knipp, Coleman and her husband, and Mr.

Randal lost no time in calling. With his usual adaptability and his powers of dissimulation, he contrived easily to please Mrs. Riccabocca, and to increase the good opinion the exile was disposed to form of him. He engaged Violante in conversation on Italy and its poets. He promised to bring her books.

Green might teach them to keep to the side of the road. Pray get in, Miss Moore! Oh, do you want to bring your dog?" "He is used to motoring," said Juliet. "Do you mind if he sits in front?" Mrs. Fielding shrugged her shoulders to indicate that if was a matter of supreme indifference to her, and Columbus was duly installed by the driver's side. Juliet took her place beside Mrs.

This rejoinder evoked a laugh from Tai-yue. "I've given you all this bother," she remarked, "and made you lose your chances of getting money, just to bring these things in the rain." And calling a servant she bade her present her with several hundreds of cash to buy some wine with, to drive the damp away.

A few months more must bring with them all the severity of the winter of those climes, and then, blocked up in a sea of ice, exposed to all the rigour of cold, all the miseries of hunger, what effectual resistance could they oppose to the numerous bands of Indians who, availing themselves of the defenceless position of their enemies, would rush from every quarter to their destruction.