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Isaac Hecker was never an actual member of that inner community of whose aspirations and convictions the Farm was intended as an embodiment. He entered at first as a partial boarder, paying four dollars a week, and undertaking also the bread-making, which until then had been very badly done, as he writes to his mother.

This toughness and elasticity of gluten is an important quality; for in bread-making, were it not for the gluten, the carbonic-acid gas formed by the action of yeast on dough would all escape. But, though it works its way out vigorously enough to swell up each cell, the gluten binds it fast, and enables us to have a panful of light "sponge," where a few hours before was only a third of a pan.

"What are you to do when a cow won't stand straight?" spluttered Felix angrily. "That's the question," said Uncle Roger, shaking his head gravely. Uncle Roger's laughter was hard to bear, but his gravity was harder. Meanwhile, in the pantry the Story Girl, apron-enshrouded, was being initiated into the mysteries of bread-making.

Neither Agathemer nor I knew anything about bread-making. He tried, but merely wasted flour. And both of us hated the wearisome labor of grinding grain in either of the rough hand-mills which were in the store-house. He found a means of keeping us well fed, satisfied and looking forward to the next meal with pleasure.

To that is added a cupful of flour a teaspoonful of salt, and one of sugar, and the whole is put into a warm place to ferment; when fermented, which takes about twelve hours, into a cool place, where it will remain good and sweet some time. A Receipt for Bread-Making.

"Mother keeps us supplied. Some of these sheepherders never taste anything but their cold-water biscuits for years at a time." "It must get kind of tiresome," Mackenzie reflected, thinking of his own efforts at bread-making on the road. "It's too heavy to carry around in the craw," said Joan.

I really don't want to bother you, Georgiana, but I do want to learn." Georgiana relented. "Very well. Come here, and I'll cover you up as best I can. Or I'll wait while you run up and dress if you've anything to put on that's fit for bread-making." "Nothing much fitter than this, I'm afraid," admitted Jeannette reluctantly. "Poor little girl!"

I am glad to know that his cooking-academy is thronged with more scholars than he can accommodate, and from ladies in the best classes of society. "Moreover, I am glad to see that in New Bedford, recently, a public course of instruction in the art of bread-making has been commenced by a lady, and that classes of the most respectable young and married ladies in the place are attending them.

There was a chorus of solemn pledges to secrecy from the group which collected hastily around the sewing machine. Mrs. Hamilton left her bread-making and came, with floury hands held carefully away from the blue silk, to listen. Miss Cotton leaned back in her chair and raised her scissors. Such moments as this were her happiest.

It was some time before the perfect loaf appeared, for bread-making is an art not easily learned, and Aunt Plenty was very thorough in her teaching; so Rose studied yeast first, and through various stages of cake and biscuit came at last to the crowning glory of the "handsome, wholesome loaf."