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The two sisters seemed to stand before her like two splendid creatures, full of beauty and fine gifts, while she stood there a stupid, awkward, block-headed Trina, whom nobody on earth ever could possibly love. Mrs. Halm gave Nika great encouragement by praising her work and urging her to begin promptly next day. Then she sat down at the piano, for they always concluded their evening with a song.

At last Cornelli's eyes closed, but she kept on seeing the flowers and seemed to be looking up admiringly at Nika, who stood beside her, tall and beautiful. Cornelli thought: If she would only say one pleasant word to me. Then Nika turned around to her and said: "You are an awkward, block-headed Cornelli!" All this Cornelli saw and heard in her dream.

"She stood in my way all the time. I am afraid she is not very quick." "No, she isn't; I know that. But Esther, I want to tell you something about her. Please be good to her!" Cornelli begged. "You see, Trina is block-headed and awkward, but she can't help it. You don't know how that is, but I know. And if you are very good to her, she won't mind as much being that way.

"There is no maid, except block-headed Trina," Mux informed her. "Who is block-headed Trina?" Cornelli wanted to know. "She has to help; she is small and fat," Mux described her. "Mama has to show her how to cook, and she has to fetch what we need and always brings the wrong thing.

He gave us a company of gittiful sword-players, but so old and decrepid, that had you blown on them, they'd have fallen of themselves: I have seen many a better at a funeral pile; he would not be at the charge of lamps for them; you'd have taken them for dunghil cocks fighting in the dark; one was a downright fool, and withal gouty; another crump-footed, and a third half dead, and hamstrung: There was one of them a Thracian, that made a figure, and kept up to the rule of fighting; but upon the whole matter, all of them were parted, and nothing came of this great block-headed rabble, but a downright running away: And yet, said he, I made ye a show, and I clap my hands for company; but cast up the account, I gave more than I received; one hand rubs another.

I have to think of poor little block-headed Trina all the time, when she does everything wrong and does not know how to do otherwise; you all despise her for it and she can't help it. I know what it is like to be so block-headed." Dino had to laugh a little. "Why do you suddenly think of our Trina?" he asked. "Do not worry about her, for mother is very good to her.

So Dino says: 'We really must send block-headed Trina away. And then Mama says: 'Trina has to live, too. And then she is not sent away after all." Cornelli had great sympathy for Agnes, who apparently had a secret trouble like her own; she did not have to be afraid of her, as she was of the proud sister who had received her. "I am sure, Mux, that your other sister never cries.

"Well, well, we must leave it at that, then. What's he like, this lad?" "Outwardly, he's an ordinary clean-limbed, rather block-headed young Englishman. Slow in his mental processes. On the other hand, it's quite impossible to lead him astray through his imagination. He hasn't got any so he's difficult to deceive. He worries things out slowly, and once he's got hold of anything he doesn't let go.

"Good God, sir! Is it Captain Connor?" The block-headed idiot of a Marigold had not told him! Marigold is a very fine fellow, but occasionally he manifests human frailties that are truly abominable. "We are going to sacrifice all our roses, Timbs," said I, "for the sake of a very gallant Englishman. It's about all we can do."

Just be happy, Cornelli, and do not imagine all kinds of things about block-headed Trina." Cornelli did not say another word, but Dino noticed that she kept on thinking just the same. After a while the mother came to announce that it was time for Dino's rest. The prospect of seeing each other again on the following day was a great consolation to them both.