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The habitant also wears in winter moccasins and a tuque bleue, or woollen cap, in which he is always depicted by the painter of Canadian scenes. But with the growth of towns and the development of the railway system a steady change is occurring year by year in the dress of the inhabitants, and it is only in the very remote settlements that we can find the homely stuffs of former times.

"Generally one endows hospitals or builds churches; in my country there is a way which is a little like yours; it is to give marriage portions that is very good I am told. It is done by finding out who is the most worthy. And it is said also that not the most worthy is always taken. Don't you remember there is a Rosiere in Barbe Bleue? Oh, I believe you have never heard of Barbe Bleue."

This terre bleue, as the peasants call it, was not the only sign of a change in the formation; fragments of calcareous stone were mixed with the brown soil. I was leaving the dark schist and was approaching those immense accumulations of jurassic rock, whose singular forms and brilliant colours lend such extraordinary grandeur to the scenery of the Upper Tarn.

Nevertheless I believe that the wise course will be to allow great latitude and let economic motives take their own course. La Richesse de la France devant la Guerre, published in 1916. Revue Bleue, February 3, 1919.

D'autres encore sont, de calcédoine, mais recouverts d'une croûte, tantôt blanche qui fait effervescence avec l'acide minéral, et qui est, par conséquent, de nature calcaire; tantôt cette croûte est bleue foncée nuancée de bleu-celeste; tantôt, enfin, elle est noire, mais toutes les deux réfractaires.

You would begin to talk of scientific languages, of Esperanto, La Langue Bleue, New Latin, Volapuk, and Lord Lytton, of the philosophical language of Archbishop Whateley, Lady Welby's work upon Significs and the like.

"But I haven't any right to conceal it from Judith." Her eyes were still red when, an hour later, she stepped into the room again and said, "I've mailed it." Her aunt, still in lavender silk négligée, so far progressed towards the day's toilet as to have her hair carefully dressed, looked up from the Revue Bleue, and nodded. Her expression was one of quiet self-possession.

Like all the good things in Nature tempests, breakers, sunsets, &c. durian is indescribable. It is meat and drink and an unrivalled delicacy besides, and you may gorge to repletion and never have cause for penitence. It is the one case where Nature has tried her hand at the culinary art and beaten all the CORDON BLEUE out of heaven and earth. Would to Heaven she had been more lavish of her essays!

En capote bleue, La poule au shako, Voici la banlieue! Co-cocorico! They pressed each other's hands. "That is Gavroche," said Enjolras. "He is warning us," said Combeferre. A hasty rush troubled the deserted street; they beheld a being more agile than a clown climb over the omnibus, and Gavroche bounded into the barricade, all breathless, saying: "My gun! Here they are!"

It was followed by 'Cruelle Enigme ; Un Crime d'Amour ; Andre Cornelis and Mensonges ; Le Disciple ; La Terre promise; Cosmopolis , crowned by the Academy; Drames de Famille ; Monique ; his romances are 'Une Idylle tragique ; La Duchesse Bleue ; Le Fantome ; and L'Etape . 'Le Disciple' and 'Cosmopolis' are certainly notable books. The latter marks the cardinal point in Bourget's fiction.