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I shall also leave out the apologies with which you severally thought fit to preface your stories of yourselves, though they were very seasonable in their place, and proceeded from a proper diffidence, because I must not swell my work to too large a size. My name is Louisa Manners; I was seven years of age last birthday, which was on the first of May. I remember only four birthdays.

Aunt Faith sat alone on the piazza, and sad thoughts crowded into her heart. It was her birthday, the first day of June, and she could look back over more than half a century, with that mournful retrospect which birthdays are apt to bring. Aunt Faith had seen trouble, and had met affliction face to face.

It was early June, the birds were singing in the garden, and the sweet odours of the flowers were wafted into the room. "Richard," says he, when Scipio had poured his claret, "my illness cheated you out of your festival last year. I dare swear you deem yourself too old for birthdays now." I laughed. "So it is with lads," said Mr. Carvel; "they will rush into manhood as heedless as you please.

Patient waiting! a hard lesson for all of us to learn, but harder still for a maiden of seventeen years who had been kept so long in that dull hole. She had passed her birthday in that horrid place! just think of it, and not one birthday present did she get. She made up for it afterwards by having two birthdays at once; but it was not quite so nice.

She is fortunate in having three birthdays, the nineteenth of the second, sixth, and ninth moons." There are many metamorphoses of this goddess. The Buddhist Saviour

Oh! you are a man of letters? Allow me to be in a bubble about you! Yes, Vernon, and I believe the fellow looks up to you as the head of the establishment. I am not jealous. Provided he attends to his functions! There's a French philosopher who's for naming the days of the year after the birthdays of French men of letters. Voltaire-day, Rousseau-day, Racine-day, so on.

She sang the two songs over and over, as she did every day at her work, and never tired of singing them, nor did he tire of hearing them. So she lived on. She had a great many more birthdays, but no old man came to see her, and nobody came to give her a great work to do, or to teach her the rest of the song.

When von Hindenburg took his headquarters to the big castle there, the Princess was exiled and sent to Parkenkirchen, one of the winter resorts of Bavaria. On previous birthdays of the Emperor and when questions of great moment were debated the civilian ministers of the Kaiser were always invited. But on the Kaiser's birthday in 1917 only the military leaders were asked. Dr.

"When you lie down to-night you won't be able to sleep much; but you will sleep like a top to-morrow night. I expect you will wake about every two minutes to-night. Oh, it is exciting the night before a birthday! Even when we had shilling birthdays I used to wake the night before every few minutes. Once I got up at four o'clock in the morning. I went out.

"The giants are surely having a pillow fight this afternoon," she laughed. "In honor of your birthday," returned her cousin. "The snowflakes are really as large as feathers," added Dorothy Smith, another cousin, who had come over to spend the afternoon. All three cousins had birthdays in January.