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He put his hand to his side, and quickly opening his garments, as he sat on the ground, his friends saw that the wound was more than that. However, the bullet had glanced off the ribs, and aside from having lost considerable blood, which accounted for his weakness, Old Billee was little the worse off. "I think we got one of 'em," announced Snake.

"I'll prove it of course they have to be going in the same direction," stipulated the new cowboy. "Even with that I doubt it," went on Snake. "I've heard of that, but I never saw it done." "If you fellows will ride past me I'll rope you all," and Four Eyes indicated Snake, Yellin' Kid, Old Billee and Buck Tooth.

If you look at me like that, I WON'T! There, there, Sea Witch, run away, or or I'll flirt with you!" "Yes, it's time I went," said Patty, demurely, gathering up her draperies. "But, Billee, how can I thank you for the dear, sweet lovely wreath?" "Well, there are several ways in which you COULD thank me, though I'm not sure you WOULD. Suppose we just consider me thanked?" "That doesn't seem much.

Oh, Little Billee, all the days fly so fast, I can't realise we've been married nearly two years " "Nonsense! A year and nearly two months " "Well, it soon will be two years! I never saw the time fly so! It goes like a Bandersnatch!" "Does that mean you're so happy, Patty?" "It means exactly that! Oh, I want to live forever! I am so happy!

"Little Billee, you're a dear!" said Patty, as the next dance took the people away again. "How did you know I was going to sink through the floor in just one more minute?" "I saw how tired you were, and though I hated to 'butt in' on your performance, I just felt I had to, to save you from collapse."

Little Billee is a very nice young man who has been kept too close to his mother's apron-strings for his own good a girlish, hysterical kind of boy, who should be given spoon- victuals and put to bed early. Of course he wants to marry Trilby, for he is of that age when the swish of a petticoat makes us seasick.

"Four Eyes seems to be making himself right at home," remarked Dick, as the three boys started toward the corral, intending to saddle their ponies and ride over to the scene of the cattle- rustling operations. "Yes," agreed Bud. Henry Mellon was in the midst of Old Billee, Buck Tooth, Snake and Yellin' Kid, and, as the boy ranchers watched, they saw N Four Eyes twirling his lariat above his head.

For instance, the scene in Trilby when the mother and uncle of Little Billee arrive in Paris, hearing of the engagement, and have their first interview with Taffy, was written straight off one evening between dinner and bed-time."

This tent was, practically, the "bunk house," the assembling place of the men after their hours of work. But before the boys reached this their approach was evidently heard. For a figure came to the flap and a challenging voice called: "Who's there?" "Old Billee!" cried Bud, as he and his chums recognized the tones, and with the recognition came a sense of relief.

Miss Gale looked so frightened at this very idea, that they all broke into laughter. "You should worry!" declared Bill. "You haven't enough wit to do any great harm. Or, at least, if you have, you've compensating foolishness I mean that is " "There, there, Billee," counselled Patty, "you'd better stop, you're just getting in deeper with every word."